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Jenifer Selwa Photography

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Posts posted by Jenifer Selwa Photography

  1. Stacy, I shot my first all-digital wedding last December (been shooting film or a combo digi/film before this) - I ended up taking 650+ images. I printed about 275-300 for their album, and then burned the rest to low-res files with my watermark across them (600x400 dpi) to pass out to family and for the B&G. They ended up ordering several reprints off the CD, which I was really surprised about!<div>00Cn5k-24519084.jpg.2e132704f542476d4d52fd40874018ba.jpg</div>
  2. Hi Jon, and welcome to PN! The archived threads are chock full with information by category and will keep you busy for hours. I am also a Michigan photographer and find it depends on where you live and how much experience you have in regards to how much to charge. I'm originally from Kalamazoo but now live in rural Newaygo County, north of Grand Rapids. I'm more than happy to answer any questions I can. Great group of people and mentors here in this forum.<div>00Cn5W-24518984.JPG.c3f57a62645c1581aeb55f7d54df0b52.JPG</div>
  3. I second State Farm. My DRebel and lens went swimming by accident last fall and I had a check in my hands three days later for current market value (which was about $50 less than I paid) and was able to upgrade to the 10D and L lenses. No deductible and I sold the damaged body on eB*y for parts for another $200.
  4. One more thing to add to the mix - if you are near a pro photo lab, see if you can get your hands on some Fuji NPH 400 speed film. It's professional film and has wonderful tonality. If they have a bit extra to work with for film and processing cost, try to have it developed at a professional lab as well. You'll be amazed at the difference. Just don't use Kodak Max 400...YUCK!
  5. Keep in mind that a polarizer is going to slow you down two stops and with Velvia 50, if you want to close your lens down for depth of field, it's going to be tough to get a shot without some sacrifice of sharpness. You might want to look into taking some of the new Velvia 100F. Also, if you are taking shots from the ship, you are going to have some movement on the ship to contend with and may want that extra stop of film speed.
  6. I used to do the same exact setup you are now currently. While thankfuly I have never been stiffed, I once charged only $300 for a full wedding for a friend of the family and it took them six weeks to get with me for the rest of their payment after the wedding. That instance changed my policy to what I currently have in place, which is a 50% deposit at time of booking (mine is refundable up to 60 days prior, but that will probably change, too), and the remaining balance one week before the wedding. Since changing to that policy 8 years ago, I have only had one person ask me to pay their remaining balance after the wedding, and I had it in writing. You need to be able to cover your time and expenses for photography, so don't short-change yourself.
  7. Hi Jeff, I'd have to third the UP suggestion along with Northern Lower Michigan. I'm a born and raised Michigander and would be happy to answer any questions you might have. All of the above suggestions are wonderful. I would like to add the addition of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Northern Wisconsin as well. I have several examples from all over Michigan in my photo.net portfolio; feel free to browse through. You won't regret a trip to our lovely UP!
  8. Some time back, QVC used to offer a "frame hanging kit" that allowed

    you to hang your framed images straight on the wall and keep them

    that way. Does anyone know where I might find such a kit? We are

    building a new house and I'm very tired of the "single nail and

    crooked frames" syndrome. Thanks for any assistance!

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