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Image Comments posted by njohnson

    Temple of Sun

    Excelent composition! I am quite the forground junkie and this satisfies me. Brilliant light as well. Unfortunately I haven't made it to Capitol Reef. This is a great example of why I should. 6/7 for you!!

    Bright revGND 4


    Damn, Looks like they work fantastic. Now that I see some really nice results I just may have to put down some money for a few myself.

    Great shot! Love the extreme depth of this photo. Addition of close forground really makes this work. Not to mention the colors! Great work and thanks for sharing!



    Here is a shot from the old ghost town of Warren, Idaho. This town

    was once flooded with prospectors in the late 1800?s now only a few

    peopele remain as permanent residents. No power has been routed to

    the town and a phone line was installed only a few years ago.

    Snowmobile or snowcat are the only modes of transportation during the

    winter. 40 miles of the route in remains unplowed during these

    months. I feel extremely fourtunate to have a family cabin up here. A

    great place to visit and leave all the BS behind. A place of good

    people, great scenery, and a hell of a lot of fun. The town was

    almost taken off the map this summer by the East Zone Complex fire.

    It came within a quarter mile of the town. Now Warren is an oasis

    within the blackness. Possibly an addition to its unique character.

    It has survived many wildfires and I am sure will survive many more.

    If anyone has seen the movie or read the book ?1000 pieces of gold?,

    it is based on events in this town and much of its history. Please


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