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Everything posted by taschin

  1. taschin

    Notre Dame

    Very nice the combination between the ancient and the modern. Good.
  2. taschin

    San Galgano Abbey

    Caro Sergio, conosco San Galgano (sono di Firenze) e so che emozioni possa smuovere tale luogo, emozioni che hai cominicato bene con questo scatto, ma non posso fare a meno di notare che l'iscurimento del cielo non mi sembra andare di pari passo con quanto visibile attraverso l'apertura del vecchio rosone e delle finestre sottostanti: maschera solo nella parte sovrastante? Non lo so ma mi risulta un po' irreale. Ciao tutto ciò solo per discuterne insieme.
  3. taschin


    Thank you again Maurizio, it would be very useful and constructive if those who give low rating were also explain the reasons which lead them to give such rating. Bye.
  4. taschin


    Thank you Maurizio and Rosario for your comments. Bye.
  5. taschin


    Thanks for viewing and rating. Bye.
  6. taschin


    Thanks and Regards.
  7. Ah questa l'ho già vista ed era bellissima, questo taglio forse è ancora più bello luci favolose Maurizio, un giorno devo venire ad imparare qualcosa in studio da te. Per me e il massimo.
  8. taschin

    My shadow aspect

    This image is obtained with a single exposure. Everything has been prepared before. Minimal adjustments have been done by camera raw.
  9. taschin


    Maybe you are right, Dana, insert more chin is now impossible, but reduce it is possible. Could you try to suggest me a crop? Bye.
  10. taschin


    Ora la metto e ti aspetto, ma che categoria suggerisci Maurizio?
  11. taschin

    Catching Eyes

    Thank you Bill for your opinion.
  12. taschin


    Thanks for your comments suggestions, and, more important, the criticisms. Regards.
  13. taschin

    Catching Eyes

    Thank you Dana for your comment.
  14. taschin


    Thank you Radu for your comment. Yes the sharpening in the rocks is emphasised a bit by means of Dark contrast filter of the Nik software serie. I wanted to frame and underline the motion of the water, but maybe it is too much. Thank you again for your useful opinion. Bye.
  15. taschin


    Dear Jay, I like the light of the photo, the expression of the model and the model, she is a nice woman. Maybe I don't like the central crop and the shoulder so half cut at left. Nevertheless it is a nice shot for me and I can't understand the low rating that you have received. Bye.
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