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Posts posted by vivek

  1. Get the 35 f/2. It is a much better lens construction wise compared to the 50/1.4 and 50/1.8. The advantage here is that you will have a portrait lens (85/1.8) and the 50mm lens would also be quite tight as Mendel said, so 35/2 would be a better choice IMHO.


    That said, the 35/2 is certainly not as fast as either of the 50s. On the flip side, it costs less than the 50/1.4 used.


    -- V

  2. Adding to the chorus here... The 1D is one of the best cameras I have ever used. The focus is fast and accurate. I have owned two of them and sold them only because of an elbow injury. Once this injury is taken care of, I WILL buy another one back. There is one on CL for 600 USD and it is a steal!


    4MP is plenty for even 16x20 prints done properly. I could not tell the difference between my 20D and 1D prints at 8.5x11.


    Also the analogy between Merc and Toyota is dubious IMHO. The Merc that I owned was a dog, sucked so bad that I sold it after 2 years. The Lexus on the other hand is another story altogether. As long as money permits, I guess I will always own one.


    -- V

  3. Hi folks


    I am a newbie when it comes to lighting and am trying to learn. I am trying to

    setup a home studio with wireless flash capability with the umbrellas etc. and

    am having some issues. These could be very basic, but I am lost at the moment.


    The equipment is as follows:


    Camera - Rebel XTi

    Hotshoe flash - Metz 54-MZ3 (Master) with SCA 3012 adapter M3 for Canon

    Slave flash - Metz 54-MZ3 with SCA 3082 wireless adapter


    Settings: Camera is in M mode: f/8.0; 1/200

    Master Flash: 'TTL' mode; Set to Ad1 (channel1)

    Slave Flash: 'TTL' mode (this is the only allowed mode it seems); Set to Ad1


    The issues:

    1. In trial, I have the master NOT MOUNTED on the camera. When I trigger the

    master, the slave is triggered, but there is a lag of about 1 second!! This

    couldn't possibly work!


    2. When I MOUNT the flash onto the camera, with the exact same setup, the

    wireless flash is NEVER triggered.


    Any ideas / pointers would be hugely helpful




    -- V


  4. Nope... it is 65...just kidding...But I think there is already a FAQ for Canon on the web somewhere. All we need to do is not respond to these and point the OP in the direction of the FAQ.


    -- V


    Simon Georgephoto.net patron, Aug 20, 2007; 02:41 p.m.


    Giampi - the lens one, of course! (everyone knows the meaning of life is 42)

  5. Mike,


    Although I use the Canon system for the better noise characteristics of their sensors, it may or may not be the most important thing for every individual. Noise is not much of a problem unless one is really critical of the photos s/he takes. For casual shooters it isn't much of a concern.


    -- V

  6. Dave Moss, opined on Aug 03, 2007; 10:55 p.m:


    "use any lens besides canon lenses on a canon camera! you'll love it. tehy made it easy to do just that. even my beloved AI nikkors, and M42 SMC taks shine on my 20D ;=)"


    That is easy provided you don't need AF. I have used the M42 mount and other Zeiss lenses on Canon bodies, but it is not for everyone.


    -- V

  7. Also check out the Metz 54-MZ3 with M3 foot or 54-MZ4 from Canon EOS. I have not used the 580Ex and the 430EX, but the 550EX and 420EX did not work for me where as the Metz did beautifully. I have 2 now and from time to time these sell in the price range you mentioned.


    -- Vivek

  8. Yep, no kidding.... Also Katzeye website mentions that the focussing indicators will not light up with their screens in AF mode. That is a deal breaker right there for me.


    -- V


    Keith Lubow patron, Aug 07, 2007; 12:40 p.m.


    It is a really great idea to have a screen like this, but for $105, plus $50 more for the brightening treatment, and $$$ for shipping, I can't see bothering to do this on a sub-$1000 camera. I am not going to spend nearly one-quarter a camera's value for a focusing screen.



  9. This is VERY fragile lens especially to shakes / falls. The AF on mine stopped working for no apparent reason one day. On doing some research on the boards & the net, it seems like the AF on this lens is very very flimsy and will break for no apparent reason.


    If you want it repaired, check out the Horizon electronics folks @ Camera Clinic 295 Gentry Way #6 Reno, NV 89502 775-829-2244. AFAIK, it costs ~110 to repair + shipping.


    -- V

  10. Jim,


    I am NOT thinking of this as a downgrade... more of a "sidegrade" if there is such a thing. There are positives and negatives for both and I am looking at "practical" tips that differentiate the two (i.e. in actual shooting style). I am pretty sure that I will be able to get similar image quality that I am used to with my 20D.


    Actually, the XTi arrived yesterday and I should say that I am pretty happy so far. The QCD is missed sorely and I think there is some getting used to the small size. But I do like the tiny size of the camera. It is very portable indeed.

  11. I think this issue is universal to the CF cards and can happen to any card holder (in camera or off-camera). Another reason for manufacturers to start switching to the SD card slots like a lot of small P&S cameras.


    I think a better idea would be the microSD, but it may be too small for some apps. The SD seems like a perfect solution.


    -- V

  12. Hi folks,


    I have used the 20D for most of my shooting and the 1D classic occasionally when

    the resolution was not important. Most of my shooting is family (my kids) and

    birds (during hikes around the bay area).


    Due to a chronic elbow injury, I am now forced to lighten my load for most

    shooting and as a result I have decided to downgrade to XTi.


    I am wondering if any of you have done this transition what I should expect. I

    expect to have the XTi next week and any pointers / suggestions would be great.



  13. I think the NEED is there, the question is whether there is a will on Canon's part to implement this.


    -- V



    Finally, Canon already produces a point-and-shoot camera (Ixus) that has wifi built-in, thus much smaller than a wifi sd card. Kodak and Nikon do too. That technology could easily be migrated to a SLR, provided the need is apparent.

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