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Posts posted by freddy.tu

  1. <p align="left">Hey guys I haven't got the chance of posting for the last two weeks but here's mine :)</p>

    <p align="left">@CeesMaas: Niiice!</p>

    <p align="left">@JeffLipsman: I love that shot!</p>

    <p align="center"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2620/3967212407_f5cf51770d.jpg" alt="" width="332" height="500" /></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>Tranquility</strong> <strong><br /> </strong></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>[D90, 16-85mm@25mm , Manual 1s f/25</strong> ,<strong>ISO 100</strong> <strong>]</strong></p>

  2. <p align="left">Hey Wednesday again.</p>

    <p align="left">@Christ Court - love the color</p>

    <p align="left">@Matthew Brennan - incredible details, I have a shot of the moon but i couldn't get that much details out of it</p>

    <p align="left">@Mike O'Day - great panning</p>

    <p align="left">@Hamish Gray - very nice shot (hehe see what i did there) this one is my favorite so far</p>

    <p align="left">@Adam Zyto - great b&w</p>

    <p align="left"> </p>

    <p align="left">Here's mine ). My first attemp in cross-processing.</p>

    <p align="center"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2608/3813932980_b3676f11d8.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="332" /></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>Tulips<br /> </strong></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>[D90, 50mm 1.4G , Manual 1/2500 f/2.0</strong> ,<strong>ISO 200</strong> <strong>]</strong></p>


  3. <p>Hey! a lot of nature shot this week. Looks like summer is in full swing :).<br>

    Here's mine. I was in this lovely restaurant with some friends from Germany.</p>


    <p align="center"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2653/3813930344_034c3cb936.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="332" /></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>Lighting<br /> </strong></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>[D90, 50mm 1.4G , Manual 1/160 f/1.4</strong> ,<strong>ISO 200</strong> <strong>]</strong></p>


  4. <p>Yay Wednesday!<br>

    First thing first:<br>

    @IanRance nice picture, i love the color and the feeling<br>

    @DanSutton i like the contrast<br>

    @AguinaldodePaula i love that shot, great composition</p>

    <p>Here's mine!</p>

    <p align="center"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3500/3702537129_6570da4e4f.jpg" alt="" width="332" height="500" /></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>Warehouse</strong></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>[D90, 16-85mm@48mm, Manual 1/640 f/5.0</strong> ,<strong>ISO 200</strong> <strong>]</strong></p>

  5. <p>@ShawnMcFarlane very nice b&w picture<br>

    @DariuszLachowski amazing fireworks shot<br>

    @RichardBorovoy awesome "bro" :)<br>

    Remember when they say "Don't forget to remove your filter when taking night shots" well I forgot...</p>

    <p align="center"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2459/3683462140_bd5d186cdd.jpg" alt="" width="332" height="500" /></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>Flared</strong></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>[D90, 50mm 1.4G, Manual 1/60 f/.28</strong> ,<strong>ISO 800</strong> <strong>]</strong></p>

  6. <p>I was out last week attending an exposition in Los Angeles. My hotel was in Downtown LA so there was not much going around after 7PM. I went out for some pictures and walk by the Walt Disney Concert Hall. It is such a nice building. So the picture was shot handheld and I used NoiseNinja to remove some of the noise. Not bad? What do you think?</p>

    <p align="center"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3392/3613397092_5c24252b9e.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="332" /></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>Walt Disney Concert Hall<br /> </strong></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>[D90, 16-85mm@16mm , Manual 1/6 f/3.5</strong> ,<strong>ISO 2000</strong> <strong>]</strong></p>

  7. <p>Wednesday again weeee!<br /> @MonikaEpsefass really amazing night shot<br /> @HamishGray great reflection<br /> For my part, I had three BBQs this weekend. This one was taken during one of them.</p>

    <p align="center"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2471/3538008060_ff2dee1aa7.jpg" alt="" width="332" height="500" /></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>Feel The Heat</strong></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>[D90, 50mm 1.4G, Manual 1/100 f/1.4</strong> ,<strong>ISO 200</strong> <strong>]</strong></p>

  8. <p>Hi guys,<br>

    First of,<br>

    @TrevorNewman: i really like the mysterious mood of the picture<br>

    @Per-Christian Nilssen: i hate seagulls, but i'll make an exception for that photo :)<br>

    @PedroCardoso: first thing that came to mind: wow!<br>

    @IanRance: where was that? the lighting is awesome<br>

    @MatthewBrennan: great picture seriously, I need to come to Australia</p>

    <p>And here's mine:</p>

    <p align="center"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3352/3547023873_5e049c040f.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="332" /></p>

    <p align="center"><strong> Vegas baby [D90, 16-85mm@52mm, Manual 1/15 f/5.0</strong> ,<strong>ISO 200</strong> <strong>]</strong></p>

  9. <p>Hi! I've been following those Nikon Wednesday Pic posts for quite a while now and I thought I'd share some of my stuff from now on. By the way, you guys are really talented. There are some amazing shots here.<br /> @MatthewBrennan Wow! Love that photo. I wish we had those kind of day where I live.<br /> @FabMastronardi So peaceful<br /> Anyways, I was passing by a park near my house when I saw that scene. It was around 8PM I think.</p>

    <p align="center"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3582/3526609261_bee21893d8.jpg" alt="" width="332" height="500" /></p>

    <p align="center"><strong>Water? [D90, 50mm 1.4G, Manual 1/200 f/3.2</strong> ,<strong>ISO 200</strong> <strong>]</strong></p>

  10. <p>check out www.box.net.<br>

    it is pretty impressive. you can basically upload anything you want (up to 1GB with a free account), share files, password protect them. sharing doesn't require any downloads of third party software. the website generates a url for your file and you can send it to your client. i've been sharing my pictures that way for a year now.</p>

    <p>the good new is that the registration is free, but there is a 25mb upload limit per file. otherwise if you're willing to pay there's a bunch of package you can choose from.</p>

    <p>i hope this helps.</p>

  11. <blockquote>

    <p>for idiots that don't realize they were shooting RAW</p>


    <p>You're an idiot for that. In fact, it's a good thing you started right away shooting in raw, because once you get use to the raw editing, you'll never go back to jpeg. (True for me) Raw file gives your the opportunity to modify your photo to a certain extent without losing image quality. That being said, go check out the tutorials Mr. Cooper and Dan suggested or just look around on Google or even YouTube (ie. keyword: raw editing photoshop cs3 basic). There are plenty of sites that can help you.</p>

    <p>Also, for a bonus tip, I use Adobe Bridge to manage my raw photo. Bridge allow you to have preview of your raw files and have many other neat features that makes it quite useful. Some people also use Lightroom, but it requires additional download. So for now, Bridge/Photoshop is a pretty decent combo.</p>

    <p>My 0.02$</p>


  12. <blockquote>

    <p>for idiots that don't realize they were shooting RAW</p>


    <p>You're an idiot for that. In fact, it's a good thing you started right away to shoot in raw, because once you get use to the raw editing, you'll never go back to jpeg. Raw file gives your the opportunity to bring changes to your photo without losing image quality. That being said, go check out the tutorials Mr. Cooper and Dan suggested or just look around on google. There are plenty of sites that'll help you.</p>

    <p>Also, for a bonus tip, I use Adobe Bridge to manage my raw photo. Bridge allow you to have preview of your raw files and have many other neat features that makes it quite useful. Some people also use Lightroom, but it requires additional download. So for now, Bridge/Photoshop is a pretty decent combo.</p>

    <p>My 0.02$</p>


  13. <p>I agree with Mark. Although, you have to realized that Facebook wasn't designed to share high quality pictures. It was simply created to put some unedited pictures of your friends, taken with your P&S camera in some places where it is not appropriate to have your DSLR ^_^. If really you want to share your "real" photos through Facebook, I suggest you to link your Flickr photostream to your account making avalaible your updates accessible to all your friends.</p>

    <p>My 0.02$...</p>


  14. <p>Hi,</p>

    <p>I've been trying to get a media pass for a NHL game in my hometown and the person in charge told be that in order to obtain a pass that will allow me to take picture from the prime spots, I needed a device that would trigger an external flash that is built-in the arena. That kind of flash is suppose to give the optimal lighting for any players shot. Anyways, I know my description sounds a little bit sketchy there, but have anyone heard of that before?</p>


  15. <p>Hi,</p>

    <p>I bought a Nikon SB-600 two months ago and a friend of mine told me to get a diffuser because of the softer lighting and natural look it could provide. So I did. But then I started to read about DIY diffusers and saw a lot of people using them. Is there a big difference?</p>

    <p>What do you think of the use of that kind of DIY diffuser rather than a standard OM-600? </p>

    <p>Here's an example I'm talking about. http://super.nova.org/DPR//DIY01/ I've actually tried it but I couldn't tell the difference. I'm still learning how to use my flash properly so any tips can help me.</p>


  16. <p>Hi guys, wow thanks for your answers! They are really helpful.</p>

    <p>For now, low-light is not my problem. I ususally carry my kick-ass tripod whenever I go out for low-light photos. Stephen you got a point. I do feel sometimes that I would need a little bit more zoom without changing for my 70-300. I think I'm going to take a closer look to the 16-85. I'm really glad to hear that there is a significant improvement in the image quality. Plus I think the VR will come in handy.</p>

    <p>@William : About the 50 1.4 lack of autofocus for the D40, I did learn it the hard way though. Got it out of the box, tried it and realized that there was no autofocus =O</p>

    <p>Thanks again!</p>

    <p> </p>

  17. <p>Hi folks,</p>

    <p>I bought a D40 a year ago and it came with the 18-55mm lens kit. Now I'm thinking about changing that lens. For the info, I also own a 70-300 VR and a 50mm 1.4 so let's take that into account. </p>

    <p>So a bit about myself. I've started photography 2 years ago. Got a compact and realized that I could do way more when my friend showed me his D80. I would say that my photography skills range between beginner and intermediate. I really enjoy low-light photography, scenery and urban photography.</p>

    <p>Few more things, I'd rather stay with Nikon lens and I'm not ready to go for the gold-ringed-lens yet (hehe) I've looked at the 16-85mm and wondered if there was a significant difference between the 18-55 and the 16-85.</p>

    <p>Any suggestions for my situation?</p>

    <p>Thanks for your time.</p>

    <p> </p>

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