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Posts posted by martin_stuart

  1. <p>Thank you very much. Now I know I don`t want HC-110, so I`m not wasting a minute on testing.</p>

    <p>I decided (time ago) to use two separate routes; traditional or digital. I don`t like my own film scans and jet prints, so I only wet-print my films. Commercial ink-jet and laser printing only for my digital shots. Hybrid process are too complex and/or expensive to me, and rarely satisfying to my taste.<br /> ---<br /> I`m now at my darkroom, ready to print some APX100 shots developed in Rodinal 1+50? (taken ten years ago). I know APX100 is not FP4+, but maybe the closest thing I have found. I want to *define* what I`m looking for.</p>

    <p>I also want to print some FP4+ shots developed in Acutol (from another era, too); I also used to love this look, but maybe a bit harsh when looking for a more "pictorial" effect.</p>

    <p>Jay, thank you for the idea. I`m hesitant to swich... it takes me a lot of time to get used to a film+developer combination. I have read about Catechol time ago; your formula seem quite simple, I only need the Catechol to make my own solution. The "unsurpassed sharpness" thing makes me excited... I`ll ask to my chemical supplier.</p>

    <p>I also use to ask myself about the convenience of using tabular and modern films... I really love the look and control of "old school" emulsions, I like the look of real grain (always if in a "reasonable" size). The few modern films I have used are great, much lower apparent grain, but are too "realistic", maybe. I use to prefer the "manufactured", "traditional", "imperfect" feel that I`m used to... sadly, to swith from one film to another makes me to spend a lot of time and shots...<br /> ---<br /> Well, I`m swichting off the lights. Time to print... !</p>

    Acutance developers tend to destroy the tonality of an image, in my experience. For that reason, I've changed from Rodinal to ID-11 or HC-110. Acutance is also a function of the right combination of real film speed and devlopment time. For instance, your FP-4 might better be exposed at 8o ore even 60 iso and development time would be a function of the highlights in your image. If they are too dull, increase development time; if they are washed out, decrtease development time. The right combo will produce and enhanced acutance.

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