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Everything posted by clementyonkers

  1. Exposure Date: 2015:11:03 00:57:23; Make: SAMSUNG; Model: SAMSUNG-SGH-I747; ExposureTime: 1/30 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 125; ExposureProgram: Aperture priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0/10; MeteringMode: CenterWeightedAverage; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 3 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows; ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  2. Exposure Date: 2015:11:03 00:57:45; Make: SAMSUNG; Model: SAMSUNG-SGH-I747; ExposureTime: 1/15 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 160; ExposureProgram: Aperture priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0/10; MeteringMode: CenterWeightedAverage; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 3 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows; ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  3. Exposure Date: 2015:11:03 01:00:39; Make: SAMSUNG; Model: SAMSUNG-SGH-I747; ExposureTime: 1/15 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 125; ExposureProgram: Aperture priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0/10; MeteringMode: CenterWeightedAverage; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 3 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows; ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  4. Exposure Date: 2015:11:03 01:02:21; Make: SAMSUNG; Model: SAMSUNG-SGH-I747; ExposureTime: 1/24 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 125; ExposureProgram: Aperture priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0/10; MeteringMode: CenterWeightedAverage; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 3 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Windows; ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  5. <p>I recently got some cut film holders that badly in need of repair. The light seals have all disintegrated and gummed up both sides of the holder. Additionally, the dark slides all have surface rust and pitting. -See photos below.<br /> Any idea what the thickness of the light seal material should be? None of them are in tact enough to tell. Also what is the best source for sheets of decent light seal material? I doubt anyone makes lasercut replacement kits for these...<br /> I'm guessing that the dark slides will be fine after a little wet sanding with 1200 grit emery cloth, though I am concerned about the finish. What is the black coating on them? Is it black oxide? Would a kit like this work to restore the finish? <a href="http://www.midwayusa.com/product/936947/caswell-black-oxide-gel-kit-4-ounces?cm_mmc=pf_ci_google-_-pf_ci_google-_-pf_ci_google-_-pf_ci_google&gclid=CjwKEAiA9uaxBRDYr4_hrtC3tW8SJAD6UU8Gy2qskoSmhRJ9itzV8pU3SCPD6bL91JJYVfTVJSC4nhoCFOHw_wcB">Black Oxide Gel</a><br /> Any help is greatly appreciated!<br> http://www.photo.net/photo/18121831<br> http://www.photo.net/photo/18121830<br> http://www.photo.net/photo/18121828<br> http://www.photo.net/photo/18121829</p><div></div>
  6. <p>Thanks for all of the great responses, I can see that I am certainly not alone. I'm still fine with the 4x5 view camera as I tend to work slowly and with a loupe. <br /><br />In the studio I have started shooting tethered so that I can check the focus on a screen big enough to be critical of the fine details. I can see this might become the norm from here on out. It does appear that I will now have to give up most of my beloved manual focus lenses on the DSLR. </p>
  7. <p>In my mid-forties, my eyesight started deteriorating. First it was simply fatigue issues -I'd be fine for a while, but after a few hours I would have serious issues focusing manually. Then I started using readers to help see up-close. Now, only five years later, I've had to up my reading glasses strength twice in the last year, and my distant vision is starting become an issue. My camera's diopter adjustment is maxed out!<br> I'm becoming concerned about my effectiveness as a photographer as my vision gets worse and my ability to be sure of critical focus when teaching or on assignment.<br> I'm quite sure that I am not the only photographer to experience this. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with this issue, while continuing to work and feel confident about the images he/she s taking?<br> thanks,<br />Clement</p>
  8. Model is lit using a single Bowens Esprit 500 Monolights @ full power with a DynaPhos Strip Softbox (56" x 14") with the grid attached. The background is white seamless lit by two 1000 w/s monolights @ 1/8th power -one on each side- each with a grid and a colored gel. Homemade gobo's were placed between each of these lights and the background to create the patterns. A tiny bit of editing in Photoshop was done to push the pubic into shadow and improve overall color & contrast. This was spur of the moment shoot with a wonderfully patient model I often work with. I had recently purchased an airbrush and two larger paint guns and wanted to try my hand at body painting. I had no assistant and we used tempra paint -which can tend to clog the paint gun. Needless to say it took forever (2.5 hours) to paint her! She is a saint and deserves a large portion of the credit for this image!
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