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Posts posted by mark_loader

  1. <p>Always curious why people need "full" frame. Full compared to...? It's just 35mm which used to be regarded as amateur territory. Witness David Bailey's now legendary 60's shoot with Jean Shrimpton in NYC. His employer (Vogue) insisted he MUST use medium format as "full" frame (i.e. 35mm) was for amateurs only. He told them to " {use your imagination}" and shot 35mm anyway and proceeded to change fashion photography forever. You can see all this in the biopic "We'll Take Manhattan". A good camera is a good camera regardless of sensor size. ( Hello Olympus). I'm not trying to stir the pot here, but I'm still waiting - years now - as to the reason why people NEED 35mm. My colleague (Mrs D800) bought an XT1 and her 35mm need waned. Another (Mr 5Dmk3) is also losing the hots and wants an XT1. So is the "FF" thing just an Arnie/Clint/biggest gun thing? Or is mirrorless/apsc/m43 still regarded, as 35mm was, as an "amateur" format? Cheers from a very hot Oz ;-)</p>
  2. <p>David....with "investment" I meant more financially than emotionally i.e. if someone's bought a m/less body (or 2) and 3 or 4 lenses they're gonna be reluctant to dump it all in favour of the new kid even if he has a famous name. Someone loyal to that name might, but it seems to me an expensive risk. Having had my own battles with GAS I'd certainly be reluctant to switch brands now. The cons just seem too heavily weighted over the pros. <br>

    I totally agree with your views on the state of camera selection today. There really is something for everyone and we have no excuses on that score. I've seen pics to die for taken with all the m/less brands i mentioned before. "But you need full frame" some cry....yeah right....oh you mean 35mm? Full compared to...? The recent movie "We'll Take Manhattan" about David Bailey's famous NYC shoot with Jean Shrimpton is a classic example. His employer (Vogue) instructed him to shoot medium format because 35mm was "not professional". I got a giggle out of that! Anyway he shot 35mm and changed fashion photography forever. But i digress...pick what suits YOU (hey we're all different) and knock yourself out. I feel zero need to defend my choice because no-one else's opinion matters on it. You choose Sony? I have no problem with that nor would i argue over it or anyone else's gear. In fact viva la difference! The thing I WOULD argue is the current pre-eminence of gear over education....grrr.....a great tog with a scratched X100 vs a gear freak with a fool (sorry) full frame 5Dmk3? Who are you gonna put your money on? I suggest we buy more books...information, inspiration, education trumps more megapickles yes? We can start with Dan Winters "Road To Seeing"....all the best from Downunder where its currently warm & sunny ;-)</p>

  3. <p>Just throwing this out there....but is it maybe a tad late for all this? Can't help but wonder if someone's going m/less they've already chosen/invested in a side be it Fuji, Sony or Olympus/Panasonic. Canikon certainly possess the technology but I remain unconvinced that they're interested in m/less at all.</p>
  4. <p>The XE1 can be a little slower to focus than the XT1 for example. I've found the latter to be plenty fast enough for what i do. And when the Mirrorless focus locks on it stays locked on. I have had less misfocusing issues with my Fujis than my Nikons. And the lowlight af? Did a shoot last year in poor light and my XT1 locked on first time 90+%. My friend's 6D struggled...we were both surprised. Still keep A Nikon though because of my lenses for it. But 9 times out of 10 I take a Fuji with me.</p>
  5. +1 for ThinkTank, they, like a certain camera marque, seem to be listening to their client base. At least that's the impression I get. But to go a step further in the pursuit of bags and more importantly Rugged Manliness, a great bag I just picked up is the ONA Bowery in leather.

    That's right....leather.

    It'll take my XT1 and a spare lens or grenade, which more often than not is all I'll need. And it's beautifully made and just looks better with wear and age.

    Rather like...(modesty forbids). Really you can just imagine Clint owning one of these ;-p

  6. <p>Good morning/afternoon/evening<br>

    I've just installed LR5 and it's update (5.6) and I'm now in the market for a decent book. ( LR5 book that is, not John Grisham, Stephen King etc. But you knew that)<br>

    Authors who spring to mind include Scott Kelby & Martin Evening. I would prefer a "conversational" approach over the dry & academic, just so I know that it's a photographer communicating with me as opposed to a tech geek. I'm familiar with Kelby's "buddy" style and I respond readily to that but if there's another out there I'd love to hear about it!<br>

    The wife & kids have fried my intellect so I need to keep things simple ;-)</p>


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