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Posts posted by lola_gunch

  1. Guys this is how I see things so far. I realize you guys are professionals, I'm not, so I would rather have the ability to protect the cameras lens from the start with a really great UV lens as Sarah Fox advised. If anything was to happen to the cameras lens (S5IS) you would just have to through the camera away because the cost of replacing the lens would be more than the camera cost. This wouldn't be the case of course with professional type cameras, but still if I was in that camp, I sure wouldn't want to destroy an "Extremely" expensive lens just because I would loose a minuscule amount of light/whatever.


    R Jackson, you brought up something I hadn't even considered yet, a lens hood. I have no idea what lens hood would be the best for this camera but would really appreciate some advice from you and others.


    I really agree on the camera bag and have been looking into the LowePro Nova 1/2, probably the #2. What do you guys think?


    Rob, I am going to take your advise on leaving the polarizer off till I get a better understanding of what the hell I'm doing, thanks.


    Now I have to consider what to get, the B+W or Hoya UV filter?

  2. Well, you guys seem to make sense to me. I think I came to the right place finally!


    My reason for getting a UV was because everyone has said I should get one to protect the cameras lens and that the Polarizer was also a must to get rid of flair (?) and take better pictures.


    This is not a professional camera at all, and I have no intentions of becoming a professional photographer. I do however want to be proud of my pictures and do the best I can.


    I would really appreciate some more advice. Would a really good quality UV lens really degrade the picture quality?


    I want you guys to know I really appreciate your taking the time to get me headed in the right direction.

  3. Guys I am contemplating the purchase of a Canon S5IS and have been purchasing

    all the associated things with the camera that I want before I purchase the Camera.


    This is the way I want to do it, but some people on other web sites seem to

    think I am a fool to do it this way, but that is the way I am going to do it!


    This is my first post so go easy on me as I am not Camera literate at this point.


    This is my current problem. Filters, it's not choosing what filters to start

    with (UV & Polarizer) but what brand for this particular camera and series.

    I have a 58mm LensMate adapter and contacted B+W for a recommendation on the

    filters I should get. The said for the UV, MFG# 66-070222 and for the Polarizer,

    MFG# 66-044840 would be the best for this camera (about $130.00 for the 2 discount).


    When I asked about this on a web site they literally said I was a fool for

    getting filters of that quality for a S5IS. This makes no sense to me so I

    question the expertise of this bunch.


    My question: Am I a nut for wanting to put those expensive filters on this

    camera, and why?


    Thanks for your time.

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