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Posts posted by kent_hilburn

  1. I'm leaning on the Canon 40D with 10-22 for my wide angle. My question is,

    should I go for the package deal with Canon 40D that includes the 28-135 or

    should I put the extra 200.00 dollars toward a better mid range zoom? It sure

    is cost effective, but looks slow. What is the quality of the lens? I'm sure

    this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find it on the board.

    Thanks for any help.

  2. Thanks Lester. I did some research last night realized that I'm really going to limit myself when it comes to lenses with the 40D. The samething you pointed out. As an amateur, I'm not sure if this is a big deal or not. Great sites. I plan on reading them today. Thanks again.
  3. First of all, thank you very much for all the responses. I will go through each one in detail. Just glancing, it looks like I may want to go with a 5D for nature photography since I will be using a wide angle more than a telephoto. Just a thought. It sure is a big price jump. I wanted to spend the money on lenses. The Pentex idea is a great thought, but I'm going to get my camera using some points I have through work. They only have Nikon and Canon as options.
  4. I've recently decided to get back into amateur photography. Key word there

    is "Amateur." I am going to shoot mainly nature. After looking at this board,

    I realize cameras have come a long way since the 1980's. My Canon A1 is just a

    little outdated.

    Anyway, after looking at different posts I've decided that the Canon 40D is all

    the camera I need. If I'm wrong, please let me know. There are still so many

    things I don't understand, but I thought I would start here. I want to shoot

    with a standard zoom that will let me go from wide angle and also get me out to

    a decent range. I don't understand that on different cameras, you get

    different widths with the same lens. Can someone explain this to me and help

    me with a great wide angle lens that will still get me out to decent range. I

    would really like to get as close to a fish eye and be able to go out from

    there. Thanks for any help.

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