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Image Comments posted by razvancosmin

  1. we all live in a modern age. So when someone modern see something like this the first the first thought is that is definitely manipulated. No offense for anyone. I liked very much. Aesthetically the is not the best but is definitely a GOOD photo. On such a photo there is no need to work on it. Is just great the way it is.

    All the best!

    Kilt Falls Skye


    I'm from Romania, and I was on Skye with my girlfriend. Took a lot of pictures in there but somehow managed to erase all of them by mistake. So hopefully We will go there again someday. Maybe you can take a look at my photos and guess which are from Scotland.

    All the best!

    Snowdrops 3


    Common Name: Snowdrop


    Family: Amaryllidaceae (am-uh-ril-id-AY-see-ay) Meaning: The Amaryllis family, named for a shepherdess in Greek mythology, means sparkling


    Genus: Galanthus (guh-LAN-thus) Meaning: From the Greek gala (milk) and anthis (flower); referring to the color and shape of the flower


    Species: elwesii (el-WEZ-ee-eye) Meaning: Henry John Elwes, 19th century British plant collector, author and naturalist; the first recipient of the Victoria Medal of the Royal Horticultural Society


    In USA this plant has been said to grow in the following regions: Clifton, Colorado Uxbridge, Massachusetts Columbia, Missouri Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania


    Giant Snowdrop flowers early in the spring. The flowers are large, up to 2 inches long. Provide a growing area exposed to full sun or in partial shade. The soil should be well-drained. On good sites, the bulbs will multiply rapidly.


    For more informations Please visit:







    Am zis: omul ala e clar roman. Apoi am citit numele si ...Ce sa mai zic felicitari! Foarte bine facuta. Imi place mult cum a iesit in special nuanta pielii.


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