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Posts posted by ppb

  1. <p>Thank you all for your replies. I think I have the ISO set correctly now. I am getting much better results. My ISO 3200 is better than my 5D 1600 and I shot a few last night at ISO 8000 and with a little work in PP with Nik NR, the images cleaned up very nice. I will have no issues shooting at 8000 (if and when i need to). Have not gotten the chance to try the 12800 as I ran out of time last night, but plan to do so soon. The more I shoot with this camera the more I like it. </p>
  2. <p >Hi all,</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >I’m looking for some comparisons from anyone shooting (mainly weddings) with the Canon 1Dmkiv. I recently picked up one and looking at making it my primary body over my 5Di’s due to its high ISO abilities. My question(s): Does anyone have CF-II settings (ISO) that they could share and where and how are they using them. Most of the venues that I shoot in are dark and I’m looking to get all the ISO out of this rig that I can (with the least amount of noise). I’ve just started playing with it, so I don’t have much to information share back at the moment. </p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Thanks everyone, </p>

  3. <p>Julian & Mark T,<br>

    You can now opt to have the Blurb.com label be left off the last page. Is a couple more bucks, but can be done. You just have to select the opt when selecting the type of paper you want. I have order several already this year without the label (much better, IMO).</p>

  4. <p>Ok members I need you help. I upgraded from PS Elem 6 to CS4. I have everything down pat and like it alot. However I have one small issue that I just can't seem to find. In elem 6 I have a Quick Selection Tool & Quick Selection Brush Tool both listed under the same header within the tool menu on the left... just like CS4. The different is in CS4 it has no Quick Selection Brush Tool, it has a Magic Wand Tool in its place. I like using the Quick Selection Brush Tool to freehand outline my detail area to work (most time to outline the area to color spot). My question is, can someone tell me where the Quick Selection Brush Tool is located within CS4? I have find all the other brushes, but no Quick Selection Brush Tool. I see no way to freehand a selection outline within CS4.<br>

    Thanks !</p>

  5. <p>Matt,<br>

    I have the same problem during the months of July and September. I normally will point them in the direction of one of my network photographers (after I have called the photographer and made sure they have the date open). This works well for me and most times I get an email back from the client thinking me for helping them in setting up photographer. I am located just around the coner from you in Topeka and would be happy to talk with you about networking. </p>

  6. <p>George,<br>

    As stated by JDM all EOS lens will work on the 50D. However if your looking to get the 16 - 35 mm focal length then you should look at the EF-S 10 - 22 f/3.5-4.5. Canon made this lens for the "crop" or APS-C bodies only. It is Equivalent to the 16 - 35 L on a full frame body such as the 5D's. I have both and can tell you that both are very good. The 16 - 35 is a bit faster / with a bit more depth of field.</p>

  7. <p>Brian,<br>

    You may be right. However I contacted Canon two weeks ago when a photographer friend was trying to find one and Canon told me that they had stop production of the lens and that it was being removed from the line up. After that I search the web and found alot of talk stating the lens is not being made anymore. No word on any kind of replacement. So....</p>

  8. <p>Paul,<br>

    I also carry 5D's with grips (2 batteries) to weddings and have now for about 4 years. Two of my cameras did the same as yours is doing now. I replaced the batteries and problem ended. <br>

    I forgot to mention: When the second 5D did this, I contacted Canon and they told me that 1.5 years is about the life of most 5D batteries under heavy used. I shoot about 24 weddings a year with engagement sessions on each and alot for the AP. So yes... heavy use. </p>

  9. <p>Michael,<br>

    You bring up some good points that I have not thought about. I was concern of the 1D iii being a little older and the 50D be new. But I have looked at it in the points you made. Thank you. I have a local store that I can rent one, so I may take you up on that as well and go get one and play..play..play.<br>

    Thanks again.</p>

  10. <p>I would do everything I could to repair the lens. Canon has stop making this lens and they are now very hard to come by. I use the one I have a lot shooting weddings and love it. The 135 f/2.0 and the 50 f/1.2 is a great set (primes) for weddings.</p>

    <p>This question is for all the sport (more so Pro’s). I am a professional photographer shooting mainly <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/#" target="_blank">weddings</a> and new related events. However over the past year I have been receiving more and more sports assignments and see this area of photography becoming more of a main stream. Assignments on such as NHL hockey, NCAA football, basketball and NHRA Drag races and just finished the AMA Superbikes races. I have been shooting the sports assignments with my two new Canon 50D’s with one having a 28-300L f3.5-5.6 IS or 70-200L f2.8 IS and the other with Canon 400L f2.8 IS. On this past event (AMA Superbikes) I was speaking with a ESPN Photographer who was shooting with the Canon 1D iii and stating how much better it was capturing fast moving sporting events. Now I have had no problems capturing anything with my 50D’s but will say focus may or may-not be dead on all the time. Which I hear that is not the case with the 1D iii.</p>

    <p>So my question is: Do I need to up grade to the 1D iii. Will I have a better % rate of in focus frames. Is the 1D iii that much better. It is a older <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/#" target="_blank">camera</a> and the 50D’s have the latest and greatest is software..</p>

    <p>Weddings: I should 100% 5D’s. Great camera for <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/#" target="_blank">wedding</a>, but much to show for sports.<br>


    I did post this in the "Sports" forum, but was hoping to get some more feedback from here.</p>

    <p>Thanks all!</p>


  12. <p >This question is for all the sport (more so Pro’s). I am a professional photographer shooting mainly weddings and new related events. However over the past year I have been receiving more and more sports assignments and see this area of photography becoming more of a main stream. Assignments on such as NHL hockey, NCAA football, basketball and NHRA Drag races and just finished the AMA Superbikes races. I have been shooting the sports assignments with my two new Canon 50D’s with one having a 28-300L f3.5-5.6 IS or 70-200L f2.8 IS and the other with Canon 400L f2.8 IS. On this past event (AMA Superbikes) I was speaking with a ESPN Photographer who was shooting with the Canon 1D iii and stating how much better it was capturing fast moving sporting events. Now I have had no problems capturing anything with my 50D’s but will say focus may or may-not be dead on all the time. Which I hear that is not the case with the 1D iii. </p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >So my question is: Do I need to up grade to the 1D iii. Will I have a better % rate of in focus frames. Is the 1D iii that much better. It is a older camera and the 50D’s have the latest and greatest is software..</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Weddings: I should 100% 5D’s. Great camera for wedding, but much to show for sports.</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Thanks all!</p>

  13. <p>I use a carbon fiber Giotto model mm 8680. It is a professional model and very strong, but lightweight due to being carbon fiber. I use it with my Canon 400L f/2.8 is and a 1D III so quite a bit of weight. It also has interchangeable feet. I use mainly the rubber suction cup or the spike pad depending on the location and the event. This past weekend I was shooting the AMA Superbikes races and needed the suction cup as I was on blacktop most of the time.</p>
  14. <p >I operate much in the same manner as Keith and David as stated above. I include a DVD containing all edited images with all packages. I factor in the cost of the DVD / print sells into the finial package cost. I also give as part of all packages an on-line gallery for both viewing and print sells. I have found over the years that the bride and groom really like having the on-line gallery as it keeps them from taking so many print orders from family and friends. They simple hand out a gallery card (which I make up a batch for them) and pass out to any and all. The online gallery orders are then process by my partner lab which takes care of all printing, payments, and shipping. I do make some print sells via the on-line gallery (to help offset the fact that I do not charge for travel), but it is not a money making item, more so a tool to help the bride and groom with family and friends print orders. </p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >I also agree with William concerning the two business models. When I started out back in the 80’s it was prints and albums. Now I’m on the new model and it is DVD. I do however shoot the wedding with the though of making a digital book for my clients. I offer a “Wedding Day Storybook” which includes all finished edited photos from the wedding day in a story format. (about 160 pages) And again I believe William is correct, under this model it more about coverage than capturing an image(s) for resale. </p>

  15. <p>I have this one, except black. I have use it for about two years now when shooting high school seniors. The one I have is made with tent stakes holes in each corner to keep it in place. The only problem with the one I have is it has no floor. To over come this I made one out of canvas. </p>
  16. <p>I shoot with one camera (Canon 5D) and normally carry with me three lens (16-35L, 70-200IS 2.8 L, and 50 1.2 L) . I have found over time that I can cover any situation with this set up. I use the ThinkTank belt system and have found it to work very well. I also have on my belt, Canon battery pack for my 580 EX II flash, spare memory cards and batteries, lens cloth, and small note pad/pen. The belt and bags are of good quality and quite comfortable to ware. My normal time at a wedding with the belt system on is about 8 hours. I had a client send me the below photos from a wedding last month. You can see the belt system pretty good in the two photos. </p>


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