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Posts posted by tony_chen3

  1. <p>Thank you Bill, John. I think I found answer trough you guys.</p>

    <p>This lens is 6-bit. The previous owner claims he used it on M9. When I see through the shutter and moving the focusing ring, the coupling roller is not contacted the lens so it is not moving/rolling at all.</p>

    <p>I scrutinize the lens carefully and it looks like the rear part of the lens did be partially "sawed off" like John mentioned. I never have another Summicron 50 DR so I cannot compare.</p>

    <p>As long as it's not a defect, I think I can live with it, on my M3/M6.</p>

    <p>Thank you.</p>

  2. <p>Actually I am not really sure if the lens does focus or not...Either with or without the goggle, the lens's focusing ring moves smoothly.<br>

    <br /> Without the goggle, it works great just like a normal lens.<br>

    <br /> With the goggle, the focusing ring still moves to allow you to focus. However, through the viewfinder, the parallax vertical/horizon lines are not moving at all to let two images coincide into one image.<br>

    <br /> I know the goggle is not working on M6TTL or M7,M8,M9. As I know, generally it works on M3 and M6. In my case, it is not working on both body.<br>

    <br /> So do you think this is just a general RF problem or a significant issue of the lens?<br>

    <br /> Thank you.</p>

  3. <p>I just bought a Summicron 50mm DR with goggle.</p>

    <p>However, after I installed the goggle on my M3 and M6, the near-focusing parallax seems not working at all.</p>

    <p>The vertical/horizon line is not moving to focus.</p>

    <p>Without the goggle, focusing/parallax works fine.</p>

    <p>Is there anything wrong with the lens, or the goggle, or the way I installed?</p>

    <p>I put the lens without the goggle on the M3/M6 first, then moving forward the focusing ring to unlock the near-focusing, then install the goggle.</p>

    <p>Please help. Thank you.</p>

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