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Posts posted by graham_powell2

  1. <p>Hi!<br>

    While I'm here I thought I may as well post this as well as the OM 4 question. Once again I bought a Super Program from 'The Bay' although I have had it for quite some time. With the door firmly shut it will only fire at the default speed. This is where it really becomes weird. If I open the latch of the door ever so slightly (or open the door fully) all speeds work correctly. This one has me more stumped than the OM 4. I have considered that there must be electricity passing through the door and more sensibly the door cuts off supply.<br>

    Once again, many thanks for looking at this post . If I am lucky perhaps someone will know THE answer.<br>


  2. <p>Hi!<br>

    I recently bought an Om 4 from 'The Bay', at first all seemed well, then after a little while I noticed that it was firing one shot off at the required speed e.g. 1 sec. and this was followed by an exposure that was either flash 1/125 or it's top speed 1/2000 of a second. No matter what I do I cannot seem to rectify this. I've naturally changed the batteries in case it was conserving energy LOL! :-) - The OM4?!*<br>

    Thanks a million for reading this - hopefully with THE answer.<br>

    Best Wishes to You All.<br>


  3. <p>Hi Ric!<br>

    Have you ever thought of trying some of Nova Darkroom's equipment? I have been using their stuff for years and would certainly recommend it. If the new prices are a little prohibitive then they also sell second hand and then, of course, there is Ebay. Besides that I've also used Jobo gear and that wasn't bad either. Both makes allow the user to control both temperature for film development as well as print development. For Jobo, I think that may now be secondhand/Ebay only.<br>

    Best Wishes.<br>


  4. <p>I'd tend to say that it requires a possibly very expensive service I'm afraid. This opinion is based on an old Pentax SV that I bought on EvilBay. It arrived with similarly 'creased' curtains, but for a while it still worked until the curtains actually appeared to have straightened out. Not long after this 'happy' event they both became extremely limp, so that they would leave a large gap after each shot and both of them became askew.<br>

    On attempting to rectify this the metal ending came off one of them and they both disappeard inside the camera. Having then expected to send it for a repair I investigated how much this would cost. Apparently curtain replacements are fairly difficult to do so the price of repair proved to be much too high to seriously consider.</p>

  5. <p>When given just a little thought isn't a pro camera by definition one that simply makes it's owner money. The first photographic job I had was when I was seventeen, it was given to me because of a portfolio made with a Halina Paulette Electric. Consequently the Halina was responsible for making me a fair amount of money, therefore it's a proffesional camera. The first studio I worked for (1971) issued us with Voightlander Vitorets, it was one of the busiest studios in Swansea. The Vitoret cost just £1 more than the Halina, but it made me and certainly the studio owner a reasonably large amount of money. Therefore, by definition the Vitoret is a very Pro camera indeed!<br>

    Any dilettante with a few quid/bucks can buy an EOS system and take piles of hopeless shots with them.</p>


  6. <p>Hi Gary!<br>

    In what way would you say that the Pentax LX isn't the real pro deal? It seems to me that this is a matter of that 'personal image thing' again. The corporations generally attempt to make us to believe that only Nikon and Canon could possibly be considered as being Pro. It's just a matter of shouting something loud enough for long enough, then many people will collapse under the weight of the pressure. The thing with Pentax is that they have been generally understated and tasteful in their approach to business. This has in many ways backfired and it's what has caused them to be unfortunately perceived as being unable to produce anything of true 'pro' specs.<br>

    If you were to look at many pro photographers of the sixties and early seventies I think you may be surprised by how many are using 'Spotmatics'.</p>

    <p>Best Wishes to All.</p>


  7. <p>I tend to agree with Wayne, I have a Rolleichord Va and a Yashicamat 124 and the Mamiya C330S, without any doubt the Mamiya is considerably louder than either of the other two. Once again the extra complexity of the C330s shutter mechanism is bound to make winding on seem a little jerky, especially if you tend to wind on slowly - though even quickly a more uneven feeling is still fairly obvious. As for washing the focusing screen in water, that will be fine (don't forget the blower brush first!), though I may tend to use lens cleaner. It's removing the liquid where you'll have to be more careful, I should use a chamois-like lens cloth, or lens paper as opposed to the cheaper 'blue cloth' versions as the latter can cause more rubbish to stick than was there in the first place.</p>

    <p> </p>

  8. <p>Many thanks Peter I've been wondering how to do this more effectively for ages. This way the seals should last as long as the indestructible seals that Praktica always seemed to make, not to mention saving me a whole lot of money as I have a pile of cameras that require this treatment. I'm another one who has downloaded this as a PDF via PDF Download in Firefox. With this article you have given us a great piece of instructive photojournalism!</p>

    <p>Best Wishes and Thanks Again.</p>


  9. <p>Although this is a little late I still thought it worth posting my dealings with Mr. Keith Rock a.k.a. member446885...<br>

    The initial problem was when he listed a 200 m.m. lens as being a Pentax (under his make heading). When I received it it turned out to be a Hanimex, fearing that I may have made a mistake I relooked at the advertisement only to find that he always puts the camera 'Fit' under 'Make' and leaves his 'Fit' heading blank. He refused to give me a refund.<br>

    About a year later I was sufficiently crazy to deal with him again and ordered several items. When I received the parcel three of these items were missing. I sent him an email to let him know about this, waited for over two weeks and decided that it was time to try again. This time thinking that it would make life easier for him I sent three simultaneous emails each detailing one of the missing items. Another two weeks passed and I sent him an email asking him what was happening about this. A little later I received an email from him telling me that he had 'better things to do with his time than answering my emails' and also calling me an arse and a w**ker.<br>

    Feeling rather aggrieved at his attitude I posted my feedback which included the names that I had been called, considering them just about sufficient common parlance to publish. Within hours Ebay was on to me like a 'ton of bricks' for repeating what he had called me. This led to me having a lengthy argument with Ebay as they had decided to 'red card' me. No matter how I tried to rebalance this ridiculous situation I found that I couldn't win. Of course he also used some of his usual abusive (used to anyone who disputed anything with him) words as a reply to my statement which I had been forced to change to a rather limp 'Called me names that Ebay wouldn't allow me to publish'.<br>

    My dispute with Ebay continued until I eventually became so annoyed that I told them that I would leave to rid myself of this unjust 'red card' and rejoin. This lost me over 230 good comments and 100% good record, but I simply felt that I had to take some action. Though I must confess that my public reporting of these words may have been a little ill advised, my reasoning had been that I hear kids using them every day of the week, so who were they going to offend - I've played safe with one of them here as you can see - the other simply meaning backside surely isn't that bad?!* Naturally I then had to seek recompense from Mr. Keith rock via 'Paypal', which though rather drawn out eventually came out in my favour. Deal with this guy only if you enjoy unpleasantness and being conned, otherwise give him a very, very wide berth.</p>

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