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Posts posted by mnelson

  1. Good guess... I am very critical of my photos. I'll try to lighten up a bit.


    As far as closing the aperture and up-ing the ISO, I tried that. But with the breeze and the longer shutter speed it was a mess.


    I have wanted to shoot the fall leaves for over 20 years and now I have the equipment to do it. I especially want to shoot glowing leaves against a black tree trunk with a cloudy sky. I think I need to accept that I need a better goal.


    I did work on the other shots, based on what I heard above. I scrapped the vision I had based on the focal point and used them for something else. I'll be posting those later today.


    Thank you very much for your help. M

  2. I was shooting the most beautiful fall leaves on a cloudy day, slightly breezy, but I had a tripod. I waited until the air

    stopped for a second and shot. Most are noisy and blurry, some are noisy if not blurry and some are just ridiculously

    focused on the wrong thing. I've accepted that I have "focusing blues" but I want to shoot in light other than a super-

    nova of sunlight, or directly under halogens. I am using a Canon G9, in RAW, ISO 80 for all, f2.8 or f5.0, 1/60th to

    1/25th. I used my flash, at varying strengths, but they all look rotten. I can't manually focus on things correctly even

    with focus bracketing. Sigh. M

  3. One more thing...


    If you submit your photo for rating, you should KNOW what a 3/3 means.


    Those who say they can't learn anything from a number, or anonymous ratings tell them nothing, or that it's cowardly to rate anonymously...


    ... it means that it is 3/7 for being original and 3/7 for being pleasing to the eye for person rating it. This means that it wasn't very different and it wasn't especially nice to look at ACCORDING to that person who rated it. THAT is what it means.


    And it does take longer to leave a comment. My system isn't particularly fast, and rating is my way of sharing with everyone. That's why it's under the menu "Sharing". I see lots of my photos with 3's and 0 views. Now tell me they did something I didn't? No, they rate one right after another, like I do.


    Ok... ok... ok...


    How about this?


    I have several photos with 6/6 and I don't think that is right. They don't deserve any higher than 4's and yet I get 6's. What's up with that? Don't they know mediocre when they see it? Come on people, I simply don't deserve that rating on certain photos and I'm tired of it. It's not fair. Other people with dull photos get 3/3 on theirs... why can't I? I'm no better than anyone else. Why can't I get an average rating on a photo that deserves it?


    K. I'm done. Thanks everybody. I feel better now. ;)

  4. I see postings from people who complain that they are getting 3/3 on their

    photos. I have given several 3/3 on photos when I "rate photos" in the

    anonymous method. I rate dozens, back to back, with the auto-submit on, and

    just give an opinion based on the two categories as described in the tutorial.


    I may find something quite unattractive, yet highly original and give a 2 for

    asthetics, but a 6 for originality. I may see something that is common...

    flowers for example, shot from a average distance, colors over-saturated and

    not a very special POV. I'd give this a 3 for originality and a 5, 6, or 7 for

    it's sheer beauty. There are photos that I consider just plain average: a shot

    of a building, in bright light, B/W and not much content. 3/3.


    I have received several 3/3 and I just assume that I need to learn more. There

    is a photo that I thought would get high marks, but it's just average. I just

    chalk it up to individual opinions. My photos make me happy, and that's all I

    need. If other people like it, then that's nice. It doesn't make my work mean

    less to me.


    Am I misunderstanding the rating system here? I ask myself how original and how

    beautiful each photo is that I see and I rate according to my opinion. I've

    recently stopped rating the ones that I would give a 3/3 to since people seem

    to object to it.


    And when I try to be more generous, I get the message that I've given too many

    6's or 7's and I have to resubmit a rating.


    I do not want to offend anybody, and I love to see/rate others' photos. Does

    anyone have any advice on this? Am I a "low rating jerk" when it comes to my


  5. Being a fan of Art's work, and being new to the site, and being an amateur, I would like to guess that inconsistant/low ratings may be from inexperience in rating, or even an inexperience in photography. As I read this, I wondered if I had given a low rating out of sheer ignorance. There are some top rated photos that I don't understand. I wonder if I have snipped someone's ratings due to sheer inexperience. If so, I apologize. If not, then I'm glad I am getting more intelligent about my critiquing and rating.
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