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Posts posted by todd_phillips3

  1. <p>another scene that caught my eye, and I like how with 28mm, unlike the 50mm, I was able to point and shoot quickly and crop down to what I was after... the sharpening seemed to kill the result here I will be taking another crack at it.. Not very knowledgeable with the BW processing..</p><div>00UEWq-165859584.JPG.bc3fd0f95044804142cd8714ce2dc410.JPG</div>
  2. <p>Great photos here peoples! Hard to pick faves when they're all so good, but Camus #1 and Jav #1 if I must...<br>

    I went out for the first time this afternoon (to the Irvine [California] Spectrum) and enjoyed my new $10 28mm Toyo...<br>

    <br /> Here are a couple below and I put some more <a href="00UCJb">here</a> if you're bored. (K100D)<br>

    <br /> <img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeY1fWPFZI/AAAAAAAAAnw/BNHBLkr-HhU/IMGP3813GRS.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="700" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeY0ZS13fI/AAAAAAAAAno/7moNLFG0wTQ/IMGP3781G2RS.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="700" /></p>

  3. <p>Well went out with this little $10 gem for the first time this afternoon along with a couple of my kids and had some fun... Here are a few of my snaps..<br>

    <img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeYxQKJ3CI/AAAAAAAAAnU/SgDCHQkjO-A/IMGP3740GRS1.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="700" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeYx9GDDOI/AAAAAAAAAnY/YBP3FsPOAPo/IMGP3751G1RS.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="465" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeYyUN72PI/AAAAAAAAAnc/ykk-g4FD5WM/IMGP3761GRS.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="459" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeYyzGE7OI/AAAAAAAAAng/eqb0lb1DnmE/IMGP3762GRS.JPG" alt="" width="474" height="700" /><br>

    <img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeYzQzfeAI/AAAAAAAAAnk/lyBMYeTno_s/IMGP3777GRS2.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="465" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeY0ZS13fI/AAAAAAAAAno/7moNLFG0wTQ/IMGP3781G2RS.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="700" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeY02EgoGI/AAAAAAAAAns/u9AX4sTDXgc/IMGP3798G4RS.JPG" alt="" width="474" height="700" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeY1fWPFZI/AAAAAAAAAnw/BNHBLkr-HhU/s512/IMGP3813GRS.JPG" alt="" width="512" height="512" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeY2Q2-3bI/AAAAAAAAAn0/f43ZxRWtyXo/IMGP3820GRS.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="465" /></p>

  4. <p>Mis first off, thanks for making me feel like I got some bang for my $10 :-D<br>

    I have had the LBA itch for a LONG time (probably a year now, wanting a prime wider than my FA50mm) and never have a dime (or more than $10 at least) to spend on gear so this was my first chance to scratch...<br>

    Secondly those are some sweet photos. I remember the first one from when you first released it to public viewing (whenever that was.. last year mustabeen) and am now wow'd all over again...<br>

    Thirdly thanks for that PF link... I have to go learn me some stuff.. :-)</p>

    <p> </p>

  5. <p>I just tested that per your note Andrew and what it seems like to me is that the red and green come on together upon focus and then the red gets out of the way. Then if you go off focus the green then goes away...</p>
  6. <p>Ok thanks Michael! I still don't seem to be doing something right, because whether I set maximum or minimum aperture, I get the same resulting image. I don't know which direction is "wide open" for focus, so I went all the way to infinity and all the way to macro each time I changed the aperture, but I would expect the same resulting shot to be dark at F22 but it was the same exposure as F2.8.</p>
  7. <p>Ok scrap the second question.. I realized just now when I turned the camera on that I must specify which focal length the lens is.. I am with stupid :-)<br>

    I still want to know what the "Auto" refers to..<br>

    Thanks for the list Jeremiah...</p>

  8. <p>and here was the first snap I took with it (K100D, 800ISO, F2.8, 1/40s), only one shot before batteries ran out.. My daughter checking herself out in the bathroom mirror before bedtime.. :-)</p><div>00UCJi-164567584.JPG.3096bba978f045634d11223504dca521.JPG</div>
  9. <p>Picked this up from a guy off Craigslist for $10 yesterday... It seems to have decent quality and from what I've found it's from a company named Toyo.. Perhaps a nonexistent company?<br>

    <br /> Anyhow, I discovered that it is manual focus and that it doesn't report back to the camera correctly, or does it?</p>

    <p>The camera reports it as a 35mm lens.. Also it's just an aperture ring..</p>

    <p>Another question: What is the "Auto" in reference to on the front of the lens?</p>


  10. <p>Like Bob, I spent a few days on holiday this week and have a few thousand images to go through. My time was spent in Carefree Arizona, and I never knew the desert could be so beautiful. I think I have some nice sunrises and sunsets, and tons of cactus shots of course, but haven't edited them yet, so I post a couple LE lightning shots from the first night.. (One thing is for sure, spending that whole trip with my 18-55mm kit lens on sure made me want to buy a better WA lens! My goal is to try and figure out a way to get one before I head back to this same spot in the fall...)<br>

    <img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2539/3757799177_97ddf5d0b5.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="325" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2635/3754451349_073ce8d805.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="318" /></p>


  11. <p>Just wanted to drop in my thoughts on the photos here that caught my eye<br /> Subho's first shot is wonderful! very nice color and detail - congrats on the lens<br /> Ben's Lake shot is incredible. Love the comp and reflection and color<br /> Arkadiy #2 = wow<br /> Maria Cheese Muffin is so nice!<br /> Steve #2 = wonderful comp/pov and reflection<br /> Michael #2 = such a beauty<br /> Chune's GP shots are super cool<br /> Haig #2 is a wonderful catch<br /> Oshiva's shots are phenomenal. such an eye<br /> Robert, think you did great with your prom shots<br /> Markus last shot is really neat and good reading<br /> Nick #3 is a very nice snipe<br /> Dave your mill hill shot is wonderful<br /> Dan #1 - such a cute pose captured from birdie<br /> Mis your stork shot takes the cake for me.. awesome capture - so creative with the processing too<br /> Steve Dean nice work with the shower!<br /> Javier your shots are amazing! I hope to be skilled enough someboday to be able to post shots sooc like you do.. <br /> Great shots Hin with the tammy<br /> <br /> <br /></p>
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