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rj russell

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Image Comments posted by rj russell

    Late For Work


    After reading your comments regarding the background on my photo, I could pick this one out of the bunch by eye. Thanks for opening my eyes, it is so great to have a trained eye critique your photos!


    Busy background or not, this is a beautiful image! Love your bird shots!



    "The Lineup"


    Thank you for your input Alberta! I will attempt to selectiely post process. I have only used Lightroom to edit my photos to date, I have just picked up CS3 so this would be a great lil project to introduce my self to the software.


    I couldnt agree with you more about posting with settings.


    Off to check out "Late For work"



    Giant Secuoya

    You have captured the Secouya in its environment very nicely! Definetly not an easy task, I have "attempted" everything to capture the beauty of Douglas Fir in all its glory.


    Thankyou Julio! I am not sure weather that blue was flower or something!?!?! It is quite distracting, I wish to reshoot if I could find that scene again.

    watching the day

    I really like the the overall layout, however I find the knot in the lower right and it surounding detail to be very distracting form the photo. I would like to see more sharpness in the cat with a shallow DOV blurring out the detail in the deck boards. Keep the work coming! Cheers, Ryan


    Happy Shooting Ben, I look forward to seeing more of your work! I would like to try some portrait work, I am a little intimidated shooting people for some reason!?!?!


    Nice Portrait. Background blurr is nice but it seems as though her head is in the middle of the blur because her chest and front shoulder are also blurred causing some dizziness. Was that from a post-processing technique? Good show, would like to see more of your portraits!
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