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Posts posted by dan_tripp

  1. <p>I got a nice tax return so I want to give back to my church. We do a lot of events where we need photography, but we do not have any studio lights. I read on Strobist that major league basketball and hockey photographers hang lights from the rafters and fire them with radio triggers. I was wanting some ideas about hanging 2 Alien Bees B1600 from our church rafters. I would guess that are ceiling is about 25-30ft. tall. We already have stage lights hanging, so it wouldn't look bad (we have a non-traditional church, it is more like a auditorium). Anyway, what are your thoughts? Would the Bees be enough power to light the entire stage? The stage is about 20-25 feet long by 10-15 feet deep, plus some stairs.</p>


  2. <p>Bob, thanks. I guess you are right. I played with the images from his camera again in Photoshop and they do not match up. I guess I was working in Bridge last night and that may have thrown me off somehow.</p>
  3. <p>I'm in the market for very wide lens. I sometimes, and only sometimes like the fisheye look for pictures of a wedding ceremony. So my question is:<br>

    1. Does a fisheye lens always have that affect or only at certain focal lengths?<br>

    2. What do your suggest for a wide lens? I don't want to break the bank, I just puchased the 50-135mm and I don't think I will use the wide lens all the time.<br>

    3. Can anyone post some cool fisheye pics?</p>

  4. <p>I have found that I print more 5x7s and 8x10s than 4x6, and I hate loosing the top and bottom because I like to fill the frame. The K200d is a 2x3 aspect ratio. My friend's Olympus is a 2.5x3.5 which makes a perfect 5x7, 8x10, and 11x14. <br>

    1. Is there a way to change that on the K200d?<br>

    2. What is the ratio on the K20?<br>

    3. What do the little lines in the view finder mean?</p>

  5. <p>I'm in the same ballpark as your prices. I paid an assistance $10/hr. for her first wedding, and I will increase after she gets more experience. I did have a friend join me, but he came along to just get experience, I didn't pay him anything, because he approached me. If she approached you, I would say don't pay her much. Is she really going to provide quality images for you now?</p>
  6. <p>The Sigma 70-300 f/4-5.6 is a great outdoor lens for only $125. I have used this for many outdoor photo sessions. Here is a link: <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Sigma-70-300mm-Telephoto-Samsung-Cameras/dp/B000B8T6E2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1232510592&sr=8-1">Amazon</a><br>

    I'm not a big fan of the tripods, because I move around too much, so I think you could go with out one. The 70-300 would also be nice if you are close enough and don't have to switch lenses. If you are shooting a night game, you can raise the ISO up to 1600 but I would try to stay at 800 and lower. I don't know your experience, but I would try and shoot wide open with either lenses. That is what most pros do because you want a nice DOF.</p>

  7. <p>I like the composition of the pic, but it could be brighter. As far as uploading, change the width or height to 700 pixels in Photoshop or any other editing program that lets you change the size in pixels. If you do upload to Flickr or any other site, you can copy and paste the URL in Photo.net by clicking on the little tree icon in the text box. Then in a different browser open the picture and right click on it and select properties. Then highlight the URL and select CTRL+C, then in Pnet paste the URL by pressing CTRL+V. Here is an example.<br>

    <img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3106/3214543006_085d9ac3f0.jpg?v=0" alt="" width="500" height="313" /></p>

  8. <p>Bigger is not always better. Lets say you get an 8 gig card and load it up and you loose all the data. It might be better to have several 2 gig cards in case you one goes bad you don't loose all the pictures. Not like this happens often, but I have hear terrible stories of Wedding photographers formating the wrong card and loosing the entire wedding.....ouch!</p>

    <p>I use expensive high rated cards and cheapo $10 cards. I think they all do the same.</p>

  9. <p>I also agree with everyone, you don't need a k20. I have a K200D that I use for wedding photography and it works perfect for my needs. From what I understand, there is little to no difference in image quality from the different cameras. You can print a 20x30 or bigger with the K200D with no problems. You could also start with the k100d. I found one on ebay for $250 with the kit lens and it is my backup camera.</p>
  10. <p>Matt, you are right, I often have problems when I upload collages or greeting cards with boarders. But I did find out that you can give them the SD card or CD and they can print the photo with no loss on the edge. I do have the ICC for their lab, but I have no idea how to use it. I do most of my editing in Bridge, so can that accept their ICC, or is that done in the calibration process?</p>
  11. <p>(I just realized I'm an idiot, I called this thread collaboration..lol)</p>

    <p>I was looking up reviews and the Huey Pro does not rate that high by the pros. The Datacolor Spyder2express Color Calibration rated higher and is $35 less. Am I missing something <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=NavBar&A=getItemDetail&Q=&sku=426718&is=REG&si=rev#anchorToReadReviews">(see link)</a>?<br>

    I use a notebook computer, does that make a difference on which product I purchase?</p>

  12. <p>Maria thanks, I'll look into Huey Pro. Is it hardware or software?<br>

    I live in St. Louis and our Costco lab is great. Many pros print there, and their staff can turn auto off, and I can do it when I upload prints. I compared Costco to SmugMug and the prints were identical.<br>

    Can you explain Huey Pro for me.</p>

  13. <p>Haig, thanks for the recommendations. I agree I like the simple tweak that you did, but I'm looking for some drastic actions for my senior pictures work (teens like the drastic images). I do not do this with my regular images.<br>

    BTW, I do not print on an ink jet, I use Costco print service.</p>

  14. <p>Haig, thanks for the recommendations. I agree I like the simple tweak that you did, but I'm looking for some drastic actions for my senior pictures work (teens like the drastic images). I do not do this with my regular images.<br>

    BTW, I do not print on an ink jet, I use Costco print service.</p>

  15. <p>Do I need monitor collaboration hardware? Does it really help? If so what should I get and why?<br>

    I purchased a set of Photoshop Actions from Amanda Keeys, and printed several different tests. They looked great on my screen, but the purple shirt was way off. It looked light purple on my screen but more pinkish/lavender from the print. I guess this means I need some hardware. Here are some samples, tell me what you see.</p><div>00S7Kv-105234984.jpg.899c0e0a90cadc8e46db6afebdaf88e6.jpg</div>

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