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Image Comments posted by kelly_perl

  1. I love the idea but I didn't see the main point before I saw your title. Unless you're particularly attached to the donation plate on the bell, which captures and your eye, try cropping out the "southwest region and zooming in so we can see the reflection in the bell.
  2. I think know what you're saying (which is more you can't get away from technology, and there's something wrong with that), but this photo doesn't bring it across. Try making the transmission tower really big and obnoxious while maintaining the pristine setting. You might not be able to do that w/this photo, but play around with cropping and enlarging so you really can't get away from technology.


    The cropping is strange. If you're out for the expression alone (and I think you are) go in more closely. If you absolutely must have this much of him, don't crop so severely. Otherwise, lovely photo.

    Giant Kite


    I thought it was a giant truck tire that had separated from the truck and was about to kill people. WTC aftereffect, no doubt.


    Try to make the picture smaller--I can only see half of it and I'm running high resolution. Lower the pixel size in Photoshop--might work in other programs, too.


    This is beautiful & clever. I'd like to have seen some more form in the people (?) somewhere by having them be still for a second. But you gotta work with what you have.





    Beautiful, but it's been done. Not that you shouldn't do it, but it's been done a zillion times and why not? The Brooklyn Bridge was a signal enginnering achievement and a work of art.


    Try photographing it a different way--the suspension support cables are unique because all other suspension bridges I've seen have either vertical or diagonal support cables, not both. The towers are unique. I may see you down there, for the Brooklyn Bridge is on my to do list.



  3. I can't see how your title corresponds to your photo. The necklaces look as if they can be bought on any Albequerque gift shop for $20 each. Show us more of the poster (I can barely make out years) and figure out which people you can do without. You have a better chance making your point.
  4. It's the colors that do it. If you were looking for something more symbolic, this picture doesn't do it. It's too ambiguous.


    Now if you want to dump lighter fluid over the ball and set it afire, then you'd have something. Unfortunately, you'd lose the shot.


    But seriously, this is cool.

    Sign of Signs

    I think showing this in the context of rule breaking or consequences thereof would be far more effective. You could use a tripod and give a long exposure and get a "speeding" car within the frame. Or you just might try to find an accident behind this sign, though that's pretty gruesome and these things just don't appear on demand.

    local shops

    I like this picture. Its slightly dark tone is relaxing, and the rafters at the end keep you from drowning in the horizontals. Yet I'm not sure what it's trying to say other than be a study in geometry. Nothing wrong with geometry; I'd just like a clearer picture of the photog's vision.
  5. From a New Yorker, who works 1/2 mile from the World Trade Center.


    I think this is a great photo concept. It's a little thing and the little things can get you to the big thing.


    However, I can't see what's wrong with this picture. Since I assume you're a Gander local, you don't see this often, if at all. But to me, this photo could be LaGuardia airport, the most crowded of our New York airports, at 5pm any day.


    In other words: show me the contrast. Show me the 747s and 767s against the modest Gander terminal. Show me why this is so terribly wrong.


    You are lucky. You have a second chance. These planes will probably be here a day or two more at least and you may get a week. Try changing your angle to show the planes in partial profile. Use a panoramic lens if you can.


    Here's hoping one of the bastards claims frequent flyer miles on AA 11.


    --Kelly Perl


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