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Posts posted by allenspencer

  1. I mainly go by the amount of potential I see in the photograph. If the

    photographer is obviously talented, but the images are turning out mediocre, I

    tend to rate them highly anyway, then make suggestions, just to try and get

    them going, sort of an emotional boost.


    When I rate photographs badly, it's when the photograph is just so idiotically

    a cliche, it almost hurts to look at (Badly focused close ups of flowers,

    typical sunsets, pretentious self portraits, etc.) I can only remember using

    the extreme 1/7 rating a few times, I try to go to at least 3/7.

  2. That's if you're only in it for the aesthetics. The greatness of the image is the aesthetics, content, and any underlying meaning combined. As well as the ability to respect/understand something even though you don't exactly enjoy it.


    Just as I've recently come to the conclusion that Schneider is not that great of a photographer, but regardless, I enjoy her work. And though I find much of Weston's and Soth's work boring, I respect it for its greatness and beauty.

  3. Thanks Mike for fixing the links. And I did an extremely bad job of explaining my point. By powerful I don't mean artistically important, fashionably composed, etc, but an image that really captures something deeply human, I agree with Weston hugely on not allowing the beauty of a photograph to be obstructed by artisitc effect.


    Just go to Soth's website, and imagine the same photographs taken by some teenager for MySpace or Facebook. Although the image would have the same content, there would be clear difference in it.

  4. That quality in the work of great photographers who can make such a "normal"

    image powerful. Alec Soth for example:










    And some of Weston's work:






    Just the ability to see common things (Which, if most were to take a photo of,

    would turn out like more of a "just for laughs" or "Ooh that's neat." MySpace

    pic.) And turn it into photographic beauty.


    A great comparison:

    Alec Soth...



    And the not so great:

    Randomly searched "Wedding pic bride." of Google...



    Though the second is more "Capturing the moment." than the first, the first

    still has a far more poetic quality.

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