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Image Comments posted by 15sunrises



    The solar eclipse was partially visible in Prague. Shortly after the

    sunrise it was already visible to the naked eye behind the haze and

    clouds in the city. Here it is rising next to the Zizkov TV tower while

    one of the infamous babies crawling on the tower watches. Taken with

    a Pentacon 500mm lens and a 2x Russian teleconverter.



    I spend hours upon hours walking around looking for vantage points, calculating moon rise/set spots and planning outings to get the moon right where I want it. I often wonder if this is simply a pointless exercise when I see composite images that are getting POW honors. It would seem that it is.



    a sunrise from last year over Prague. Just wanted to get some input

    about what could be improved about the image from a

    compositional/other standpoint.


    thanks for comments!

    bird moon


    This is one of my personal favorites. Taken about 30 minutes after

    sunrise, the morning sun gave the wings on the birds this golden/fiery

    color in front of the nearly full moon. I was snapping shots of the moon

    setting and decided to just point at the daytime moon and see what

    would happen. Taken with a 300mm Pentacon lens and Russian 2x

    teleconverter of generic type.

  1. Thank you all for the comments, I'm always happy to get some feedback.


    @Jana: The orange towards the horizon is actually light pollution. When it's clear enough it doesn't intrude too much on the upper sky, but provides a nice background light for objects in the foreground.

  2. Nice work, but in my opinion the moon looks a bit too fake. I'm assuming this is either a moon from a separate exposure or that it was 'hilight recovered' so much to get some detail in it. The image might actually look better with the original moon in it, as it would at least match the reflection in the water and not look so pasted in.
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