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Posts posted by kevin_penczak

  1. sorry to hear about your experience. i used to work at a canon service center, i know if you would have talked to my boss he would have shipped you a manual for free. When i was there my boss told us to do whatever it took to make the customer happy, including going out of our way. so it sounds like you just got unlucky.
  2. Is the dust in focus or blurry? I forget, but i think the following is true: If the dust is in focus it is on the cloudy side

    of the focusing screen. If the dust is blurry it is on the other side. it has been awhile since i dealt with these, so i

    hope i dont have it backwards. How big of a piece of dust are we talking about?

  3. i used to work for canon and bought a refurbished 5d about 6 months ago. I am 100% happy with it. I dont know about all of them, but mine looked brand new, no tiny scratches or anything. As for my camera, the only difference was the price and the box.
  4. What is the longest you can push your 5d (exposure) without getting much noise? I have a 5d and i want to take

    some long exposures (ex. stars). I will use the long exposure noise reduction feature (cant remember the exact

    name). Of course i can do this test myself but i am guessing some of you already have a good idea from your own

    experience. I am guessing my test will take a long time: 2 hour (1 hour exposure, 1 hour noise reduction), 1 hour

    (1/2 hour exposure, 1/2 hour noise reduction), etc, i am willing to do this test but hopefully someone can help me out

    so i dont have to spend 4+ hours. Also, how much more noise is there at ISO 200 than ISO 100 on these long

    exposures? thank you and all your help is greatly appreciated.

  5. I am thinking of a situation something like this: I have 24-70 2.8 (w/ Canon 5d) and i am shooting a painting on a wall 10 feet from me. In this case depth of field is not really important, i am looking for the painting to be the sharpest and retain the best quality possible. I know my lens is not at its best at 2.8, so i will try to shoot around 4.0, and say i am already at ISO 400, but 1/50 was to slow to stop my hand shaking the camera (pretend i dont have a tripod, or if the subject was moving). So i want to get another stop and go to 1/100. Would you rather bump ISO to 800, or f/4.0 to f/2.8? Maybe ISO 600 at f/3.5 is the best option? What factors do you take into effect when asking yourself this question?

    Other factors/options: If i want the pictures to be 8x10? 16x20? or larger? What if i was already at ISO 800 and had to go to 1600? 1600 to 3200?

  6. I am trying to defish in pscs3. i am using the 'lens correction', and 'remove distortion', i tried +100 and it does help,

    but not enough. maybe i am doing something wrong? In both photos, original and corrected, I believe the house

    shows far too much distortion to be acceptable. The first photo is the original and the second photo is the one i

    tried to correct.



    <img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3081/2728623958_09b6f94a3f.jpg?v=0" />



    <img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3067/2728624534_a8e63408f3.jpg?v=0" />

  7. I currently own the 24-70 2.8 (canon) and i am looking at the 85 1.8. I would like the 85mm for portraits, and maybe

    some low light/indoor sports. I do not beleive i can afford one of the 70-200's at this time. So my question is this:

    Will the 85mm be a big improvement over my 24-70? It is only about a stop faster and a little bit longer, so i dont

    know if it will be worth buying? I here the image quality on the 85 is good, but i am sure lower than the 24-70. With

    all things considered, do you think the 85 1.8 would be good for me?

  8. I have an old tripod that was given to me, it seems usable (solid, sturdy).

    The problem is the quick release does not fit the tripod as firmly as it

    should. The quick release and camera are connect firmly and it seems fine but

    when i attach the quick release to the tripod i can still move the camera left

    and right slightly. It doesnt move much but it definitly does wabble left and

    right. I dont know if the problem is in the quick release itself or the mech.

    that holds it. I tightened everything i could but it is still looose. Should

    i maybe try and bend some of the metal in? Does anyone have any quick fix


  9. I am in the same situation as you, and I have been looking at Elinchrom EL-Skyport system. There has been some good things on this forum talking about them. They run about 200$ for the 1 transmitter and 1 receiver, so they are much cheaper than pocketwizards. They look similiar to PW but dont have the extra long range and channels.
  10. I am looking for a tripod. I have a 5d and the biggiest/heaviest lens i would

    be using is the 24-70 2.8 (not a huge lens but it has some weight to it). I

    would like to find a tripod that would hold this weight stable for use with

    long exposures. I hope i can find a cheap (but good) tripod for under 100$.

    I dont need anything to fancy, but definitly strong and secure. Can anyone


  11. I am looking for a camera bag, most likely a backpack to use for all

    occasions. I will need room for atleast a camera body, 24-70 (canon), a small

    wideangle lens, speedlite flash, and a couple pocket wizards. And I would

    think i should get a bag with room to spare for later purchases. A weather

    proof bag would be nice but it not needed. Anyone know of a good quality

    backpack for a decent price?

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