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tony c

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Image Comments posted by tony c

  1. Thanks Daniel - Puerto Rico were using them later than that - plus a few South American countries. I think I too remember a story of a P51 shooting down a jet fighter in the Korean war.


    The Spitfire is still my favourite 'plane though - just :)


    Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment.

  2. Thank you for your insightful comment Peter.


    Having looked at your enormous portfolio and all your up to date contributions I can see that you are massively qualified to critique the photographs of others!


    I sought to inform you of my opinion of your comment on my other P51D photo off-line in order to save you embarassment - you seem now to have wounded yourself in the other foot!

  3. Thank you for your insightful comment Peter.


    Having looked at your enormous portfolio and all your up to date contributions I can see that you are massively qualified to critique the photographs of others ? shot yourself in the foot again!

  4. It's so nice to see the driver of such a wonderful car wearing the approriate clothes - leather jacket with helmet and goggles that also match the vintage.


    Where do all these senseless anonymous rating come from - within minutes of posting a photo?


    Beautifully exposed and cropped to concentrate on the driver without hiding the fact that it's a Ferrari.


    First class photograph.



    I like this a lot - the left and the right areas with the cloisters? and the man walking - the ceiling lights on the left leading the eye nicely to the far distant doorway and the lit doorway towards which the man is walking. The faint detail visible in the right cloister? is very well exposed and the far distant end likewise leads the eye, but in a more subtle way. The black foreground is a very good "Base" for the two cloisters? But the black centre, between the two cloisters?, to my eye, is a distraction.


    This is a great image for me.


    It would also make two seperate great images - without the black area in the middle.

  5. Thanks very much for commenting Donn, Clive, John, Bane and Sefano and John, I hope you soon recover from the fright :)


    There seems to be a consensus about sharpness, or lack of.


    My fault really - the focus was set at a given distance and with the extremely narrow depth of field with the lens at 500mm(about 4ft at that range) it was very lucky to be recognisable as an aeroplane :-)


    It is quite heavily cropped and I used Contrast mask in PS, plus a few minor adjustments to brightness etc.


    I'm not too good at photoshop and anything else I tried made it look worse. If you could see the original, you'd know what I mean.


    However, thanks for the suggestions - if you can see it's been sharpened - it's OTT :-)




    Mountain Lake

    From the other photographs in your portfolio, I guess you adjusted the colours like this on purpose. Guess you have your reasons Tina, but to have the reflection more vibrant than the scene looks a little odd to my eye. You seem to like this image too - any reason why you're trying different things like this :-)



    Looks like a lot of left rudder to me Alex :)


    I see you like airshows and aircraft in flight too. I recommend Shuttleworth. Like stepping back in time.


    This one has different invasion stripes from the one that frightened me at Castle Donnington on 15th Sept last year.


    As I know how difficult it is to get good shots like this I'll rate accordingly :)


    Nice capture.


    Those hands have polished a few pairs of shoes. Although there are lots of dark areas I don't think that matters with this image. Exposure is spot-on and the important elements are all well presented. Very nice to my eye.
  6. Looks good to me Blair - I can see from your portfolio that you post lots of good photo's here ;-)


    Great range of exposure and I can't see any obvious signs of manipulation, so I'd say your dodge and burn technique is pretty good.



    To me this photograph contains all the important elements any photograph 'should' contain. There are no extreme highlights, but the detail is accurately preserved, down to the deepest shadow on the pottery.


    My only concern is that the garlic doesn't look as realistic as do the pottery items - they seem to have been overworked and don't show the same range of exposure as might be expected.


    However, the overall image is very good and one I will use as a standard of excellence to aim for in my own photography.

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