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Posts posted by raybrizzi

  1. <p>I gave ISO 51200 a shot after figuring out how to get it to show up. This was in Washington Square Park from about 35 feet away. There wasn't even enough light to see the couple's faces from where i was. Took a bit to get it to focus, but it got through after a few tries. <br>

    Very noisy, but that's to be expected. But I see that banding that I heard about in the early days of the K-5 and was hoping that the firmware might have fixed it by now. Does everyone run into this or is it just certain cameras? I just bought this a couple of months ago and thought they would have fixed it my now. It looks to be in just the lower 30% of the picture, so I can adjust during shooting to make that part less important.<br>

    So, in a better-than-nothing situation, it could be useful.<br>


    I included the link because the picture feature wouldn't work from this url</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>The reason I bought the K-10D was Photo Plus NYC in 2008. Pentaxians were there evangelizing and a staff was demoing all the lenses and other equipment expertly. There were big slide shows of incredible photos, narrated by the Pentaxians who took them. Though only about 20 percent of the size of Nikon or Canon, it showed an enthusiasm for both the art and technology of photography, and the future of the company.<br>

    <br />Speaking of Olympus, I just saw an NYT article about how Olympus has probably been funneling billions to organized crime owned companies.</p>

  3. <p>Please ignore... I tried a few shots with no lens on it so it would be a more or less uniform picture. with lenses they are coming in around 18-20. Cant delete the message.</p>


  4. <p>I bought the k5 at J+R for $1199. It's definitely the top of the line except for the medium frame model.<br /> They just don't seem to care about marketing the DSLR's, it seems. And with no marketing, stores are less likely to carry them.<br>

    Maybe Pentax DSLR users are like Grateful Dead fans... there are only enough of them to fill one arena, but they all go to every show</p>


  5. <p>I just moved from the k10d to the K5. Initial testing shows that the file sizes have tripled, not gone up 60 percent or so as I might have expected with a 10MP to 16MP change. The K10D pics used to run about 10-12meg each in RAW, where the K5 is coming in around 30 meg, whether PEF or DNG.<br>

    Is this because of more color bits? I couldn't find specs on that online.<br>



  6. <p>marketing? at the PDN photo show at Javits, they had two tables, maybe 8 feet by 3 feet. One for Ricoh, one for Pentax. 2 unenthusiastic guys each. 3 cameras at each table, one k5 one kr and the large format one. no lenses, no flyers. I bought the K5 but I just don't see how they can hope to get market share with a showing like that. 2008-2009 they had pentaxians doing slide shows, all the lenses in a glass case, many bodies to test. I bought the K5 because it's a great upgrade from the K10, but I don't have a lot of hope for the future if people don't know they're even there. If I was a non-user already, I would figure they were going out of business.</p>
  7. <p>Yes, it was a user error... mine! I set the camera to TAV and the ISO range worked fine.I went to Adorama and was very dissatisfied with the level of knowledge there OR interest in the problem. But after playing with it alone for a while, I remembered the TAV option.<br>

    In the K10D, you either set a firm ISO or a range.<br>

    So I ended up ordering it from J+R.<br>

    Duh, so embarassing. Still, I would expect better support from the rep Pentax sends to the premier NY photo event of the year than 'you should only buy Pentax lenses' or this is the risk. </p>

  8. <p>I admit I haven't been on in a while, but I don't remember any of these problems previously.<br>

    I recall that when I had a folder open, I could click ADMIN OPTIONS and one of the options would be to upload more pictures. Now that tab (and also the SHOW DETAILS tab does nothing). If i just do the UPLOAD PHOTOS from the Manage Your Portfolio, the photos get added but then get stuck in this set of screens with options for each picture, e.g. folders to move them to, etc. Were there major changes or am I doing something wrong.<br>

    Right now I am adding pictures in 4 folders just to get them on.<br>

    How do I get rid of those pictures in that set of screens</p>

    <h3>Add captions and details to uploaded photos Page 1 of 42</h3>

    <p>which right now number 42, all of pictures that have already been added properly to folders? Is there a way to clear these out or do I have to delete picture by picture? And will that delete them from the folders that they are already in?<br>

    This is in Firefox 4.<br>

    Thanks, Ray</p>

  9. <p>Very disturbingly, when I put photo.net in the IE URL bar, I notice that the active URL at the bottom immediately goes to a Facebook URL with the photo.net set in the URL even though I never logged in to Facebook this session.<br>

    Is this something you are doing or is facebook taking over IE?<br>

    I don't see this happen in Firefox, but I do have a facebook blocker add-on there.</p>


  10. <p>We'll see. This was changing from auto which I set to fixed 100. I'll try it at Adorama next week. I know the technology is great but I can't afford to replace lenses too. Thanks!<br>

    Frankly, the guy at the table didn't seem too interested outside of saying that I should have bought Pentax lenses.</p>

  11. <p>I had slowly become used to the idea of laying out 1200 or so for a K-5 upgrade form my k10d, which still works ok except for the cracked viewfinder lens. But before i did, I wanted to try my lenses with it and take the same pictures to see resolution differences and noise differences at high ISO.<br>

    <br />So I dropped my own SD card into the K5 and put on my Sigma 24-60 F2.8 on it. Used the Info to set the ISO range to 6400-12800 to force it high. I looked at the display and it was shooting at ISO 100. The guy said that because it's an old lens (circa 2008), it's not compatible with the K-5 any more. I didn't try the other two, but I expect results would be the same since I bought the 10-20f4-5.6 and 75-300 f5.6-6.3 within months of each other. Unfortunately, the $500 or so premium for tree equivalent Pentax lenses was out of my range, so I went with the Sigmas.<br>

    Is this normal in the digital world? Do you have to keep buying non-OEM lenses every time you upgrade the camera?<br>

    Glad I tried this out before committing to buying. So now I need to decide whether to stick with Pentax pr move on. If I have to buy all new lenses to buy a new camera, I'd have to move back to Canon again. I just don't think Pentax is really serious about the market based on the level of the display at the show. Two people at each table, and virtually no information about products.<br>

    I talked to Sigma and they said they weren't familiar with this, but to call them on Monday.</p>

  12. <p>The Pentax display at Photo Plus was pretty pathetic. Basically 2 tables, one for Pentax and one for Ricoh. One K-5 and one of the 645 and one point and shoot. Ricoh had about the same.</p>
  13. <p>I took a series of pictures on multiple exposures, quickly. There was a long undulating bench with a girl running towards me, from one end of the bench all the way to where she is close and running off to one side. The pictures line up fine. I tried HDR, but it did just the opposite of what I wanted, blending the common background and almost fading the girl out to nothing.<br>

    Is there any way in PS to keep the background as is and just bring in the differences between the pictures into play?<br>

    I'm assuming that I'm going to have to painstakingly select each one, but just thought I'd ask if there's a trick out there.<br>


  14. <p>I received a service manual as a result of this post. One look at that and I can see that my chances of success are about the same as whenever I open up a laptop for anything beyond changing memory or hard drives. I always end up with extra pieces. I guess I'll live with it until the glass falls out or I get the cash for something better. thanks!</p>
  15. <p>I'm not sure at all how it happened (maybe temperature change?) since I keep my camera fairly well protected, but my viewfinder lens cracked from the top center down along three axes. I can still use it since the cracks are out of focus when using it. Is this a user replaceable part? Thanks!</p>
  16. <p>Sometimes I will submit a batch of pictures. They are numbered something like topic-1, topic-2, topic-999 in the same folder. When they are in the albums after uploading, they are always in reverse order, and sometimes need to be reversed if the timing is part of the submission. Is it something I'm doing wrong or an option I'm missing? Should I sort the filenames in reverse order before submitting? Windows XP SP3 / Firefox 3.6.13<br>

    Here's an example... http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=989584<br>


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