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john rabkin

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Image Comments posted by john rabkin

  1. I think that you have done good by softening the background here. I would not have been able to tell if it's from New York or Florence. I keep wondering what color the statue is? Can different Photoshop "filters" give separate interpretations of this image? How does this photograph fair with higher contrast? If the image was not evocative I would not wonder these things.

    The horses.

    This image is very much alive and kicking. I like the triangular composition that the three heads create. I would prefer higher contrast for this scene, difficult as it may be to achieve without losing detail. The "Curves" tool comes to mind.


    The effort put into making this work, and it works is apparent. In order to visualize this shot the photographer needed to see beyond the viewfinder. I respect that.



    Pros: The blue is intense, but the purple is just perfect. There is nothing more I ask aesthetically (10).


    Cons: Framing could have made this a 10/10 IMHO. I am drawn to the darkish triangular part of the building in the upper left of the image.

  2. First look: I think the effect is creative and well done, I was even happier that it wasn't Photo-shopped.


    Second look: I noticed the colors are beautiful. The image has a Sepia tone feel.


    Third look: I finally notice that this image has at least 30 rectangles of different shapes and sizes all interacting.


    The exposure is very pleasing. The effect is comical. The dis-proportionality reminds me of "chibby" and "SD" Japanese animation. A fresh and lighthearted way of looking at the subject of portraits is always welcomed. The models expression serves to enhance the air of mischievousness.

    Barbed wire


    When I look at this photograph I see a great potential for drama. The subject matter is singular and unquestionable but the image lacks punch. Instead of detailing what I think would improve this image I simply created a re-interpretation of it using the GIMP program. I cropped the shadow from the lower left, punched up the contrast and shifted the color balance to red.

  3. This is a very interesting abstraction of reality. The image is blurry enough to divorce itself from the actual scene. I've seen similar results from a friends camera that had been dropped (the camera, not the friend) into a stream in Thailand. Above average Asth. and definitely above average Orig.
  4. "I'm very sorry Mr. Cappa, but your images of world war II action just aren't sharp! Whats with the blurry background behind that soldier getting shot?

    My dear Mr. Cappa if you were a REAL photographer, every photograph would be a bright and crisp Hallmark card or insurance agency giveaway calender!"


    I've rated this image @ 8/8. This is not another super saturated Velvia sunset or a modeling photograph. This image speaks volumes about the subject's lifestyle. This is the perfect image to attach to a article describing the subjects manner of living. I've played around with this image on my computer and managed to tone down the strong Tungsten cast by altering the color balance.

    The Sale

    My favorite image from this folder. I was drawn to the obvious interaction with the photographer which in this case adds to the feeling of "being there". I noticed the triangle of people and the woman with the hat framed on the right. I would have given this image a higher aesthetics rating if the top-middle part of the frame had been more burnt-in.
  5. pros: Only one subject in shot. This gives rise to focus and singularity. The image seems tack sharp and the composition looks "natural" and unstrained.


    cons: The lady is significantly darker than her suroundings. In order to show the clothes detail the rest of the image is rendered bright. This high contast situation is difficult to deal with.

    I've had this problem myself.

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