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Posts posted by aucoins

  1. <p>I have two that I use for hair lights for a few years now with no problem.<br>

    I also use a few mettle brand lights that are the same except they have a Bowen's mount and have a better<br>

    choice of modifiers. If you want sample pictures you can check my fb page <a href="https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=629650175">https://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=629650175</a> . The light temperature will depend on the modifier you use .</p>

    <p> Maurice</p>

  2. <p>Two years ago I was in the same situation.I went with the el-cheapo mettle brand from<br>

    OEC Camera Accessories thinking I would upgrade to Bowens later since they have the same mount.<br>

    Instead I was pleasantly surprised with the good build , adjust ability and constant<br>

    color temp.So after 2 years of moderate use I still have no need to upgrade and I bought<br>

    an extra unit as a spare just in case .</p>

  3. <p>Hannah I would suggest buying maybe a 150ws monolight ,stand and an umbrella kit. Learn to use the one light and you can add to that later .The Burgundy walls will most likely cause a color cast on your photos . Maybe a gallon of paint could fix that problem.I hope this helps and enjoy learning to work with light. </p>
  4. <p>Sal for the size of room you have you are probably looking at head and shoulder shots if you want to have background separation. I use 150ws strobes for a room a little bigger and find them to have sufficient power. For bigger rooms and full length portraits I would recommend more power.I also suggest that you look for something with a short recycle time.If you are just starting out maybe one strobe with a white reflective umbrella ,maybe something like alien bees or flash points 320s and add to that as you learn.latter if you decide to go all out you can use them as background and hair lights.</p>


  5. <p>Bryan you can also check out the flash point 150ws from Adorama at under a hundred<br>

    dollars . I have had one for a month now and ordered another one yesterday.<br>

    Check out the revues on their site for the unit, so far i have to agree with them.</p>

  6. Thanks Gord but this shoot is for free and after buying the xti, and a few lenses my budget is blown for at least a few months lol .I live in a small town and dont know of any rental place near me ,so i guess i'm stuck using what i have.Just hope i don't disappoint the kids and parents.
  7. Thank you very much for the info and a special thanks to Dan for the sample pics .So what i understand for the group shot is i should set to manual ;set at f5.6 min and dial shutter and iso the get a good exposure

    and use the on board flash ? Should i over expose a bit because of the

    white ice ?

  8. I have been asked to take a team picture and individual shots

    of 5 to 7 year old hockey players . I will be using a canon xti

    with a tamron 17 50 f2.8 .I do not have an external flash.

    All shot will be on the ice.These are not moving subjects.

    I tried a few shot there and i got a shutter speed of +-150

    at f3.5 iso 1600. Any advice on settings and how to position

    them would be very appreciated . This forum with it's wealth

    of knowledgeable photographers has been a god send for a beginer

    like me. Thank you all.

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