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Image Comments posted by suspendedmoments



    this excellent portrait has a wonderful "feel" to it...

    such a bright eyed smirk she has... well done all around!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Future is insecure


    This is a very powerful and quiet portrait.

    I instantly like it and more so, having read your written explanation.  

    The subject has a direct, resigned, expressionless gaze and that ties in perfectly with your description of not being in control.  I just like it, the message is a potent one.  thank you



    Only a little squirrel can make winter snow appear cozy.

    Sheltering in a hollow log, plenty to eat, tail over head for added warmth and harmonizing colors against the stark white of snow.

    Thank you for sharing




    Hi Patrick Day,
    I'm not sure if you are looking at this image on a small device such as a phone or what?
    She is looking directly into the camera, at the viewer... so I don't understand that observation.
    The skin texture on her face is water droplets.
    The scratches are a way of suggesting stress and or anxiousness.
    It was intended to be a fine art piece, not so much a technical portrait.
    The final study, will be a 4' by 5' charcoal rendering by Brenden Daugherty... I appreciate your observations and comments.

    My Backyard


    I apologize for not responding to your questions sooner...

    One method I use... and is the case here, is to shoot the distant landscape when the moon is full.

    The Silo, for example, is more than a mile away and the golden trees near the horizon are two miles away from my vantage point.  This makes the moon "appear" larger...

    I just used the Nikkor 70-200, at 200.  That's the longest lens I currently own.

    This is just after sunset, so there is still "some" light on the landscape and the sky isn't yet completely dark around the moon.  

    Without the landscape size reference, it's pretty routine... I'm glad it is so well received.  All of your comments are very much appreciated.



    Thank you everyone...
    These are all very interesting observations and comments.
    Taking the time to write about this image is very much appreciated.
    Wishing you all a great week!

    Amish Mud Sale 2


    Amish people are so wonderful in their living style and simple dress...


    They always ask, in the nicest way, not to be photographed.


    I feel that that wish, which they humbly request, will never be honored by photographers who consistently exploit their simple living conditions and dress.

    They shield their faces when they can, or turn their heads to avoid the camera.


    exploited... and not for the last time I'm afraid.


    I like the image, but can't endorse your disregard for their humble wishes to be left out of photos.

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