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Image Comments posted by defrang

    self portrait

    This is a gorgeous and unique self portrait, I really like the depth of field here. It is technically perfect and wonderfully creative as well. I have seen your other works in your portfolio and I am very impressed, allthough you say you are an amatuer, your style and vision look as though they have been crafted over many years, this is very unique and I believe you have a great future in photography.
  1. I read that to take great street photos that it is best to wait in an interesting place where people frequent and when they come into the frame take the image, I am new at street photography so I am just trying different approaches to the medium, I really do not like this picture, I thought it was much better than it is, some things went unoticed before I uploaded this image, so if this image rubs you the wrong way, you are not alone. It is kind of dehumanizing, but that was not my intent, better luck next time I quess. Thank you for your opinion.


    Really no need to critique, this is a perfect senior portrait, I am sure this young woman was very happy with this portrait and that after all is the goal.

    "Here Kitty"

    This a great one, what a great moment captured, I like everything about this photo, it reminds me of a Alexander Rochenko image. You have something wonderful here thanks for sharing.


    This is more of a symbolic portrait in that you need both subjects to be in focus and competing for space. I see what you are saying but this is what I wanted and this is what I got.


    The sky creates a great mood, very strange, very unique. All together the image is well composed and original. Great work on seizing this moment of strange light and doing what you can with it, very reflective of the talent you poscess.
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