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Posts posted by alex_kronish

  1. I work for CVS so I can do it myself.


    Up until monday we had a 10 year old Gretag 740+ where it was pretty much impossible to do anything advanced with it other than prints. However they just tore it up and installed a KIS 1670 lab so now I can actually do color correction and CD's. Unfortunately it's broken because the guys Kodak sent to install it were dumb as a post, but it should be fixed tomorrow when the new film scanner arrives. So I can process film but not print it.


    The print quality is amazing compared to the old machine though.

  2. with alot of foam, some electrical tape, and a pitch black room to unload the film in.


    The shutter isn't stuck, I can see light through the lens when I clicked the shutter. It's very hard to have the aperture switch be in the middle on my camera, so I doubt that's it, but it's the only possibility I have to go on.

  3. I got a Holga a few weeks ago and today I got back my first roll from my local

    MotoPhoto's send out service. However, I must have done something wrong because

    the negatives came out completely blank. I know it's not a processing error

    because I can still see the frame numbers and the "fujifilm 800" written on the

    bottom of the negatives, and the first half an inch or so is obviously exposed

    from when I loaded the camera.


    Any ideas as to what I did wrong? I didn't have a flash for half the roll but

    for those shots it was either daytime or a well lit room.


    I currently have a roll of standard CVS brand 35mm film in my Holga, and I hope

    I loaded it correctly this time, but of course I won't know until I process it,

    which I can easily do myself since I work for CVS and am kodak certified to run

    the 1-hour machine.

  4. I work for CVS as a Shift Supervisor that doubles as a photo tech, so I'm inclined to say that we're the best, however, that varies greatly from store to store (most CVSes don't even have 1-hour labs and only offer send-out service to Qualex). And the stores that DO have 1-hour labs have very different machines. My store has a very old minilab that's kind of encrusted in brown gunk and can't do photo CD's from negatives, and prints so slow that we forward our 1-hour digital orders to the Kodak Picture Kiosk, while a newer store 10 miles away has a ton of options.


    Anyway, our negatives come out fine, but the printing side screws up regularly and for a while there was a point where Kodak had to send out a field technician to fix it every few days.

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