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Image Comments posted by wayneburghardt


    Jim, thanks for your comments on my photo. They led me to this image of yours, which, to answer your question, I find very interesting. It's not only well executed, but it also lends itself to multiple interpretations. Initially, I saw it only as a perspective shot, looking up (which I'm sure it is). However, when I just stare for a few moments, I can also interpret it as a horizontal building detail, perhaps from a skyscraper under construction, and imagine I can walk right out on the ledge. -- Wayne

    Someone's Garage

    Thanks for your comments and suggestions, Jim. That bit of green leaf on the top is bothering me as well, and I'll probably end up removing it. The color of the siding is actually true. It is an old and dirty mint green, and this image was captured near dusk in very low light. I'm glad someone noticed the window through the window!

    Sandstone Sunset

    I've seen quite a few photographs of this place, and this one ranks at the top of my list. You've done an excellent job with the framing, contrast, and capturing the colors. It really makes me wish that I hadn't passed by this canyon a few years ago without even knowing it was there...
  1. Interesting idea, and very nice shot! I like the variety of currencies and colors represented as well. I enjoy your portfolio on first glance, and will come back again for another visit. (Brought here by your cropping suggestion on my my photo. Thanks!)
  2. Thanks, Ray. I had never looked at this as anything but landscape. As portrait format, it would really give the sense that the hikers are way down there -- a completely different effect. -- Wayne
  3. I've always liked this photo "as is", but am considering cropping --

    left, right, and a bit off the top -- in order to reduce the impact of

    the darkness on the right side. If anyone out there has a good eye

    for cropping, please share your ideas.


    I particularly like the detail on the drills and cords. A quick visit to your excellent portfolio made me realize I need to go back there and spend some more time. Thanks for getting me thinking...


    This is a nice mix of color and subject matter. I think it might be framed even better with an inch or so cropped off the bottom -- just below the submerged branch. That would also help even out the overall lighting.


    There is something wild and freaky about this shot that makes it hard to look away. The perspective is wonderful -- almost as if the camera were sitting on his belly. Only thing I'm not quite sure about is the similarity in color between the face and the rock background, which almost makes it look like a face within the rock (not that I mind that interpretation). The difference in DOF definitely helps. The hair is amazing, and you've done an excellent job of bringing it to the front.


    Very nice shot, Lukasz! Nine hills (maybe more), and none of them quite the same color or shade. The rocky outcrop in the foreground really adds a nice contrast to the pastel hills.


    Nice shot of one of Chicago's more unique buildings. I notice my gaze wandering to the left and out of the picture because of the relative darkness there. I wonder how it would look cropped to remove the last support column (just to the left of what I think is a Pontiac)? Just a thought. This is a very tough subject to frame.
  4. Just starting out in this forum, and this is my first submission.

    It's from an early morning shoot by the DesPlaines River this past New

    Year's Eve. I didn't get the camera/lens info entered in time, I

    guess, but this is with a Pentax K10 and Sigma 17-70 F2.8-4.5 Macro.

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