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michael r. reynolds

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Image Comments posted by michael r. reynolds

    Snow Pillows



    It is an icon, but you created a very pleasing composition. Great light and conditions. I'm used to seeing your posts over at NPN. Nice to see you posting here as well. Best Reards, Michael



  1. I was drawn to the dark negative space that the shadows below the

    falls created. I elected to not bring out the detail in the shadows,

    because I liked the contrast with the light reflected off the walls.

    Any thought or comments are most appreciated. Best Regards.

    Birkenhead Lake

    I like the capture of the sky and clouds. Good composition. You lost a little detail in the color of the trees. Maybe add a little lumance for your greens. But still, I like it. A very pleasing composition. Regards.


    I like the idea you had with this image. To my taste, I would have wanted to see a wider angle of view. The cloud in the upper left frame is cut off and was one of the first places my eye was drawn. The fog in the valley is very interesting, with the lake below and could have been an interesting subject in itself. As framed, its kind of lost. Its certainly a beautiful scene. Thanks for sharing. Best Regards, Michael

    Valley View



    This is a wonderful black and white rendition of this classic shot. I actually prefer it to your color image of the same shot. It really has El Cap standing out so well. Nicely composed and great mid-tones. Good DOF. Just really well done. Keep up the good work. Regards, Michael




    I like your composition here. The diagonal of the road leading into the frame works well. It looks like a little lens flare on the left side of the frame so you might want to consider croping. Best Regards, Michael




    I like this image. Nice compostion, use of color and good control of DOF. Very nice marco detail. Maybe a little bit more sharpening in post-processing. Best Regards.


    Nice capture of some very nice early moring light. The reflection and composition are very pleasing. I like the diagonal line the edge of the pool forms, that leads the eye into the mid-frame. Regards.
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