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Posts posted by lindamccague

  1. Thank you all for your comments. :) I really appreciate them. I want to make sure that you all know that I in no way consider myself a professional. I WANT to become one. I want to improve and I know I need to. I know my technical skills need improvement and this is why I have signed up for the photography program. Each course is one night a week for 3 hours and goes for 12 weeks. There is a specific wedding course included that does allow you to take pictures of a model bride and groom. I am very much looking forward to it. The wedding that I may shoot is in June, so unfortunately I won't have done the wedding course by this time. I am doing intermediate digital photography first and then a lighting one (which is a prerequisite for the wedding class), and then the wedding one. I believe there are about 20 classes to do if you want to complete the whole certificate program. If anyone is interested in seeing the course here is the link: http://www.langara.bc.ca/cs/photography/home/cs_photography_index.htm


    I am glad some of you think I have the eye. That is the most important to me. I believe you can learn technical skills, but you must have the "eye" built in.


    Craig, I have ordered Wedding Photography: Art, Business and Style by Steve Sint and I will memorize it.


    I have also contacted a professional photographer that I knew a few years ago that liked my work. I have asked her if I could assist. I hope that works out. I may be able to assist weddings before possibly doing the one in June.


    Again, thank you for your comments. You are all so professional and do wonderful work. I would like to be an active part of this community and learn from you all.


    I have a question about equipment. I agree that I would need a 2nd body and flash. I am on quite good terms with the local pro lab here as I have been printing my custom photo cards with them for the past 3 years. They leant me the camera that I shot the first wedding with (a Canon 30D and flash). I am sure they would lend me another if I do another wedding.


    I know my zoom that came with my camera is not professional. I have been thinking of replacing it with the 24-70 2.8L. A few of you have recommended zooms that are wider than this. I would prefer not to purchase another EF-S lens as I would like to upgrade to a full frame body for my next camera. I was planning on purchasing this lens and the 50 1.4 in March... would it be better to maybe buy this zoom and a wider angle instead of the 50? Or just go for a wider angle zoom? I also have a manfrotto tripod and I even got a monopod for Christmas, I have the stofen omni bounce and I have a B+W circular polarizer.


    >>What really gets me is when someone thinks that buying photography equipment and doing one event gives them the license to become a professional<<


    George, I am trying to purchase professional equipment... not because I think this makes me a professional, but because I hope to save money in the end by buying it right the first time (except that slow zoom was sold to me with my camera). Yes, one day I would like to be a professional, but I know it won't be the equipment that does it.


    Thank you again.

  2. I have enjoyed photography for the past few years and am wanting to move

    towards being a professional photographer. I have done several portrait

    sessions (mostly paid) and even was asked to do one wedding in 2006 that I did

    and was paid for as well.


    I have decided to start taking a more proactive approach. Rather than having

    people ask me for my services (which was why I started to consider photography

    as a career) I am going to try to immerse myself in it.


    I went on craigslist yesterday looking to see if there was anyone looking for a

    new photographer to shoot their wedding for a budget price. There was and I

    contacted her. She was looking for a student to expand their portfolio which is

    what I would like to do. I'l also signed up for to start a photography program

    at the local college next week. I had sent her the link to my pics in my

    portfolio here and she contacted me and liked them and wants to know how much I

    will charge for the wedding.


    She wants 4-6 hours of shooting and a coffee table book and CD of high res

    images. I was thinking of charging $100/hour plus the cost of the book with

    about $100 of my design time for making the book. I know I will be able to do a

    very nice book as my main business up until this point has been custom photo

    cards. I was paid $650 for the last (first) wedding I shot. It was so much work

    though... it was an indian wedding and it went over 2 days. I did a DVD

    slideshow to be shown at the reception that was pics of them as little kids and

    I had to scan over 100 photos etc. etc. I also edited 200 photos for a regular

    album for them that they needed 3 days after the wedding.


    The bride of the indian wedding asked me to shoot her wedding before I had ever

    considered going pro. She worked at the grocery store and had seen pics I had

    taken over the past couple years of my kids and loved them.


    Anyway, I guess my questions are: Do you think I have any talent? I can get

    some nice pics, but there are a lot of ones that get deleted that aren't so

    good. Is it like that for everyone? I just make sure to take enough shots to

    get some good ones.


    Do you think charging $100 / hour is reasonable. I just know how much work it

    is to edit photos afterwards that I don't want to go much less than $100/hour.


    For equipment I have a Canon 40D, 17-85 IS USM, 70-200 2.8L IS, 50 1.8 (I will

    purchase the 50 1.4 in March (wedding is in June), 580EX II flash.


    Is starting weddings this way (by just jumping in) getting over my head. I only

    accept jobs if I feel I can do it well. I think I can pull it off. :) I'd love

    to hear your thoughts. Thanks! Linda

  3. Hello,


    This is my first post here. I've been lurking for a little while and this place is filled with great information. I am just starting my photography business, but I have a successful photo card business already. What I would do in this situation is to develope a referral program. This way people can tell their friends about your program and what extra benefit they will get by coming to you as a referral. It could be the free book or a slight discount or whatever you feel will be a benefit to the client. You could even offer a few extra prints to the clients that do the referring as an incentive to get their friends to come to you. I would put a page for the program on my website and then everyone will know ahead of time what to expect from you when coming to you as a referral.

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