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Posts posted by rapyke

  1. <p>Buy a card reader... you can get cheap ones that will last for a few uses, or you can get good ones that will last forever.<br>

    For a cheap fix, go get a cheapo reader and upload your images without erasing them from the card... make sure they are actually on your hard drive, then stick the card back into your camera and experiment away...<br>

    Make sure the reader you buy will do xd cards...</p>

  2. <p>Hey Nico, I just had a look through your portfolio and your website and I have to say that you have some stunningly good images posted, but, from a print sale point of view I am wondering if there is enough of a point of connection with your audience?<br>

    I have no idea what you had on the wall, but everybody's got a camera and their own travel 'snaps' that they love for the emotional connection... Your stunning water shots are pretty similar to the posters they can buy at the local frame shop... Fine 'art' was probably best summed up by Groucho Marx:<br>

    "Well, Art is Art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water. And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now you tell me what you know."<br>

    There has to be an emotional connection. 99% of your potential customers could care less about print profiles, white balance, grain or the telephone pole sticking out of Aunt Mable's head... for them, the point is that Aunt Mable had such a nice time on the trip.<br>

    Get a great shot of their street on the wall though and they will be caught.<br>

    Just my opinion... hope it helps somehow.<br /> </p>

  3. <p>Patrick: I do understand the problem... I lost the 14-42 that came with my camera and was distraught; it was one of the sharpest lenses I had ever owned in 35 years of photography. It easily held its own against Nikon, Canon and (as hard as this is to believe) Voightlander. Slow, yes, but so sharp it was almost hurtful.<br>

    So, I bought another one - the one I use now.<br>

    It is not as sharp as the first one and it is stiff and feels a lot like a plastic kit lens, but it is still the equal of my old Nikon 35-70 at about 1/4 of the cost (on a scale).<br>

    Having had the divine and the average I can well imagine there is a not-so-good and even a bad version of the lens. It makes me wonder if this is not the case with all modern plastic lenses, or is it just these low end starter versions that have the problem with quality control?</p>

  4. <p>I love photography and have for nearly 40 years. The biggest inspiration I have ever had was my first digital camera; suddenly the barriers were lowered. I could take 1000 pictures a day if I wanted, I could experiment outrageously, I could break rules... all at almost no cost until I was ready to print.<br>


    Today, if I feel a little 'flat' in the inspiration department, I jump in the car and drive somewhere I have never been with a camera before and I just start taking pictures... houses, puddles, leaves, people, cars, doorknobs, graffiti, light, dark... I just take pictures and suddenly a subject or focus pops out at me and I am off for the day.<br>

    If I get home and discover that I have 300 garbage images, well, nothing lost and more often than not, the inspiration that developed while shooting stays and grows and mutates filling many other days of 'inspired' pursuit of that elusive 'good' photograph.</p>

    <p> </p>

  5. <p>I understand that Oly offers a significantly different product range (I use an E-410), but, photography is about photographs... isn't it? So, why are there no other hot topics in this forum?<br>

    The POW effort seems to be dying a slow, sad death and I can't remember the last time I saw anything like an 'artistic' question or comment.<br>

    I recently spent some time over in the Pentax forum and was amazed at its village-like feel. People are supportive, concerned about technology, but also with photographs and photographers. Newbies can ask how to take better holiday snaps and get real advice, not a long dissection of the technical merits or failings of their equipment.<br>

    Are there any members here who are actually more interested in photography than in engineering?</p>

  6. <p>I wouldn't attempt a monopod as carry-on. I got asked some pretty firm questions about my gorillapod at Frankfurt a couple of weeks ago... I only managed to hold on to it when I showed the nice inspectors that it was completely flexible.</p>
  7. <p>I have, of course, played with the wide open end of things, but even where I am shooting at f4 or 5.6 the files are considerably smaller... a couple of examples:<br>

    http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/onblack.php?id=3409529706&size=large (Shot at f4 if my memory serves me correctly)<br>


    http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/onblack.php?id=3406346974&size=large (This was shot at f5.6 or 8)<br>

    I am not really concerned - just curious as to why the RAW file is so much smaller.</p>

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