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Image Comments posted by lmoss

  1. Hi, welcome to PN, I am fairly new here too and its exciting to be able to find out what people think of our creations. Firstly I would like to say that I really like this picture, I like silhouettes. I think it reminds me of christmas eve, watching the sky for father christmas to fly across. My only little suggestion is to get rid of the tiny white squiggles near the bottom and the one under the bottom branch on the right hand side.


    Good job!



    I do not have a macro lens :(

    This is taken with the macro function of my camera.

    Thanks for looking, please leave a comment.


    We just took her to the Vet to have some test done. She has got joint disease and is in a little bit of pain. We are going to try some medications (anti-inflammatory) to see if that can help her, fingers crossed!



    Hi this is my cat Bubbles, she is 16 and starting to have some health

    issues. I thought it would be nice to capture her with my new

    camera...just in case! She is a bit scraggely these days so its really

    hard to get a decent picture of her. Most of the time she is asleep or

    has her eyes closed. Here is the "best" of about 30 shots. I appreciate

    any helpful comments. Cheers, LM.


    A agree that this is a BRILLIANT moment and great picture, but what is with the skyline? How far above the girls head does the actual picture end? On my computer the clouds end in a perfect line and then it just goes white for about an inch almost like there are two horizon lines! Please dont get me wrong I love this photo to bits and am very envious that I can't capture these moments in my own kids. Warm Regards, LM.


    I think the person under all the sand is a very patient model, I would have been laughing so much! I like your way of thinking! No boxes whatsoeva! Thanks for sharing.


    I thought this was a giraffe at first glance. I said to my husband "what do you think this animal is and he said giraffe too!" Ok so we are not really that bright. I think its the shadow of the neck and the bottom lip! Love the point of view! Cheers, LLB.


    Thanks for your suggestions Randall, I really do appreciate a different perspective. Not that I am making any excuses but I literally run up snapped the shot and ran off again. The couple whose wedding it was (I didn't even know who they were!) were just about to have the car moved to a new location for some more wedding shots. Later that night when looking at this picture I thought wow cool subject but what would I do differently if I had put some thought into it. I then thought it would be nice to get some other perspectives so I posted it here. Glad I did, I love to hear other peoples ideas. Thanks for taking the time to comment and on my other picture too! Cheers, LLB.
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