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Posts posted by art_tatum

  1. <p>I liked your photography but I wish I could have seen more. I was viewing the site on my Mac Book Pro using Chrome first and then Safari and it was a messy endeavor. Some images took way too long to load (on a fast connection) so long I thought the page was not loading. Perhaps your images are too fat... low res them. Also you spelled portrait wrong (portriat) in title bar of all your pages.</p>
  2. <p>Nathan you win the 'furthest from original I am going to really mess this image up' award. I don't imagine you were serious. Were you?</p>

    <p>Most times when I see people try to 'correct' an image in this forum it ends up looking worse. This thread was no exception. There is no accounting for peoples/clients tastes, but there is such a thing as too much.</p>

  3. <p>I agree with Craig and I suspect many others here that take pride in the profession probably concur as well. Here are your own words Jenna...</p>

    <p><em><strong>I was totally out of my element and realized how much more I had to learn about photography.</strong> A lot of my <strong>photos turned out blurry or out-of-focus </strong>and I think it's because I made the mistake of having my aperture open to wide, messing with the depth of field, because I was so focused on letting in as much light as I could.</em></p>

    <p>If what you write is true you should <strong>not be charging </strong>until you are 'into your element'. You asked for advice and that's mine.</p>

  4. <p>This smacks of an advertising hijack. Is this you Ted? (if I am wrong it's Googles fault)<br>

    <strong>Ted Suss</strong><br>

    <dl ><dd >Sales Manager at Neil Enterprises</dd><dd>Greater Chicago Area | Photography</dd></dl><dl ><dt >Current:</dt><dd >National Sales Manager-Professional Photography Division at Neil Enterprises, Founder at <strong>Prism Photo Seminars</strong></dd><dt >Past:</dt><dd >Owner-Photographer at Prism Photo</dd><dt >Education:</dt><dd >Rochester Institute of Technology</dd></dl></p>

  5. <p>Your web site is... a web site. It works well and it didn't blow up while I paraded through your images. But what you should know (and probably already do) is that you have 'it'. Great captures and restrained editing. Nice. </p>
  6. <p>You are over thinking this one, it is an easy decision given what you wrote,</p>

    <p><em>'I am building back my word of mouth marketing from the ground up'</em></p>

    <p>I see this as an opportunity. No discount (petty) or charging for your 3 images. Send her the images she requested (no charge of course) with your watermark in place. Let her know that she can use the images only if your watermark remains intact and visible.</p>

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