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Posts posted by stevecarlson

  1. <p> I dont want to take sides, So I would not get into details. I went to take photo's and would like to hear insight from people that have done them before. <br>

    So please can we keep this about photos only<br>

    Some of the basics I have learned are<br>

    1. Good shoes are a must, ouch<br>

    2. less grear is better, ouch<br>

    3. a second camera would be nice, costly, but nice<br>

    4. But the most inportent, I repeat most, is more than 1-"2 gig card" (DSLR)<br>

    I was asked though, if I would share the photo's with the group that held the protest.<br>

    What I am asking is, Who else has insigh or ideas that might help me decide the best way to handle the next protest. Thank you Steve</p>

  2. <p>All joking aside, I am very happy with the way the threads are handled, I tryed to start a thread that was way off, at the time I did not have a clue, And it was handled very well, it did not get posted and it was explaned very well, Thank you tro. I mean elf's</p>
  3. <p>I dont know what to think? I have been seeing that comment that I have made on photos have been dissapearing. I dont leave bad comments and I try to be fare because I know I need alot of work too, But can any one please explane if I have done some thing wrong to have comments removed Thank you for you time Steve</p>
  4. <p>Thank you all, I will give it a try. I had Hobby Lobby frame my photo and it was a custom cut, and they did a very good job, I will have to ask them if there is a way to sign the mat before they finish, Not sure what there prosess is. the photo was a odd size and took a few days to do. but I will check into it, Thanks again all Steve</p>
  5. <p>Can any one help me with this?, I have just sent one of my photo's to be mated, and framed. I did not have my name printed on the photo, I did this because it was just a test photo, Now my question is: What is the best way to put a sigenture on the photo. I Will not be doing the framing myself, and I like using the mats. Where is the best place to put the sigture? and do I add before I print and just adjust for the frame and mat? Thank you for reading Steve</p>
  6. <p>I'm not sure if this suggestion has been addressed before, or has been tryed. But I hear of people having photos being stold of the site, Other sites I have visited in the past had something in place to prevent the capture(right click/capture). Is that possable at photo.net?</p>
  7. Steve, no need to be sorry. Your comment is very much wanted and needed. I would like to stay clear of studio work, I still would like to work under a pro to learn the ropes. I plans are not to plunge face first with no feet on the ground. I do tho need to learn the proper use of the camera I love to hold. I would love to be a photo journalist, but that I do know is a long way off, Again thank you for your time and input Steve
  8. Ted, love all. Arthur, Thank you that helps alot. Steve, would like to go pro, I am losing my job to Mexico, I am planing to go back to school,I would like to take some business courses, but I also would like to learn more about going pro, My dream, photo journalist. something that I know that is unrealistic, but even to find a pro to work for to learn the trade, that would be great
  9. loss of job is giving me a chance to go back to school, I would love to take some courses on photography, I

    love all aspects of photography, but I'm unsure of what aspect would be the best for me. Now I know that only I

    can make that move. But I was any pro's and con's that any one can share

  10. Marina, You are at a level that I can only hope to be at. But if I may, when was the last time you have just walked out your back door and just looked at the simple things, just forgot the things you know and looked at the thing you may not have seen in a wile, Looking at you photos have giving me alot of things to see it the pro world, Please dont get me wrong, I love your photos, they tell a story of a world I can not see on my own. But what about your world? Can we see that? All the best Steven
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