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Posts posted by sumon_mukherjee

  1. <p >I’m a member of PN for more than two years and I frequently open the pages of PN for viewing and commenting on other members’ photographs. Reciprocity and social interactions are always desirable. But we must consider the fact that PN is really famous as a forum where photographers can learn photography. I personally had joined PN to learn digital photography and I’m truly benefited. I have learnt many things from expert members. Mark is absolutely right in stating that ‘pay to play’ policy may make PN a difficult place for many new members who join PN, everyday from different countries of the world, to learn photography. They want comments from experts, guidelines from old members. If in return they have to comment, under statutory compulsion, on many other members’ photographs, PN may lose some newcomers who are photo-learners. On the other hand, a large number of ‘very good’, ’thank you’ type of comments may make them confused. Constructive critiques are really helpful to everybody. All photo-learners sincerely try to get some feedbacks from experts and old members. But, I think, comments on demand can never fulfill the requirements of senior members like David. If senior members like David McCracken play the roles of teachers as Mark has mentioned, without demanding any thing, PN will definitely be a better place for new members from different parts of the world.</p>

    <p > </p>

    <p >Sumon</p>

  2. <p>Mark,<br>

    I wanted to mean display of photographs in PN as a forum for photographers. Whenever a photograph is displayed for critique it is found in a light gray background (not exactly white). I requested the moderators to provide options for different backgrounds, at least three – a middle gray, a white and a black. Best regards.</p>

  3. <p >In our forum all the photographs are displayed against white background. Can we have a choice of color of the background? If options for all colors are not possible, at least white, black and middle gray may enhance attractions of the photographs. If a photograph is uploaded with required matting, the reduced size of the actual image may be a problem. This is a request to the forum moderators. Best regards. </p>
  4. <p>This idea of 'total anonimity for a short period of time' may be proved to be a very effective rating process.I strongly support David's proposal. I'm really happy to know that PN administration is thinking positively about this. This suggestion is not a new one but this is the high time for thinking about it. Expecting a new and truely effective rating system. Best regards.</p>
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