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Image Comments posted by ajweiss

    Detail, Dead Snag


    The dark areas are definitley full of artifacts. I find it pretty distracting, actually. I'm not sure if the green "spray paint" look of your fixes helped matters.


    As a photo, it is a nice idea. I would see if you could drop out the shadows with a levels adjustment. Could you post the original?

  1. Atle,


    Thanks for the great comment. What do you mean by the "movement in the reflection?" Do you mean the distortion?


    The library is right in the flight path to the airport, so I had a number of opportunities with different planes. I chose this one both for the placement of the plane and the nature of the reflection. I'm fine with it being a little "unpleasant," but I'd love to hear exactly why you say that.

  2. At the JFK Library in Boston. The planes coming in to Logan airport flying right overhead

    -- combined with the setting sun -- made this shot a "must take." I'm looking for overall

    comments, and also advice on using the PS perspective correction tool (how did I do?).

  3. What I did was create a duplicate layer in Photoshop and Gaussian Blur it to my taste, then create a layer mask and "paint" in the original into the middle if the blur. Next, I created a "Layers" adjustment layer and darkened the image. I painted in the original through that mask as well.


    You could also use the "burn" tool to darken the background, I just prefer levels because you can easily set a darkest point and not burn past it into black.


    Now, I wouldn't do this to one of my photos because I don't feel that adding blur is Kosher (so to speak). However, it looks a lot better than the smudge tool! I'm okay with lightening and darkening (dodging and burning) as long as it doesn't drastically change the content of the picture.

  4. Thank you Carlos! I agree that I missed the highlight on the right side of the face. As for the rest, I was trying not too modify it TOO much, so I left a lighter spot in the top right corner and the shadow on the teeth. Do you think those detract too much?



    I like it. Colors are good, and the sail doesn't get lost in the sky. I'd be curious to see the uncropped picture though, as I'm not sure there isn't a better way to crop it...


    I would lose the border, but I wouldn't rate you lower for having it.

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