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michael mccann

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Posts posted by michael mccann

  1. <p>How could any manufacturer design any lens if the sensors of cameras were located at different distances. I'm not being rude, but the question makes no technical sense at all.</p>
  2. <p>Try shooting downwind of thermal features in Yellowstone Park during high winds and you will use filters. My experience ruined an expensive polarizer, not a lens before I realized what was happening. As mentioned above use according to conditions or not, whatever works for you.</p>
  3. <p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=1836228">Mike Earussi</a><br>

    It's brand new and not yet released so nobody knows anything about it yet, we're just hoping it's better than the original.<br>

    I think the 10-20 I have had for the last year is an exceptional lens, so if this one is "better" is will be spectacular.</p>


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