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Posts posted by nathan_rigg

  1. <p>I am putting together a portfolio of work that I am very keen to market for publication in books/magazines/cards etc.<br>

    I have a contact list of art/photo directors, however I am unseure what my approach should be?<br>

    I am sure they get hundreds of freelancers approaching them and i would like to be as prefessional as possible.<br>

    I would appreciate some guidance on how I should format my communication, should I send hard copy or e-mail, should I attach an example of my work or all the images I am selling or simply point in the direction my web site?<br>


  2. <p>until recently, when I used the straightening tool in PS elements it straightened the image, resutling in some background area showing i.e. i had to crop into the shot (no problem!).<br>

    now when I straighten is still straightens the shot, but there is no background i.e. it seems to compress the image instead.<br>

    any reason why? have I hit a function key or something by mistake?<br>


  3. <p>I was asked to take some shots to adorn a real estate office. <br>

    I would appreciate some suggestions on post processing to give a bit more punch. I am thinking of upping the contrast a bit.<br>

    Also, If i want to print this up to poster size, how should I resize it? I have set DPI to 300 and was going to set the length to 5120.<br>


  4. Hi


    I have calibate my monitor using Spyder, having followed the instructions and seemingly successfully installing the

    correct profile.


    Hwever, having now had some prints done the colors still don't seem to match from screen to print. I think its looks

    more accurate in term of the color, but its more the vibrancy of the color on screen that seems to be mising on the

    print. Is this to be expected givin the nature of the back lit LCD?





  5. On a bright sunny day I have been taking shots in the range F11 to F16. I had understood this to be correct given

    the conditions and had read something about the 'sunny 16 rule'. However when I come to view the RAW file and I

    hit the auto exposure function the exposure is often changed.


    A couple of questions: -


    How can I tell if the exposure is 'correct'?


    How does the auto function work i.e. am I gettingb the optimum exposure by slecting this?


    Why is it, when I then open the shot in PS and then use the auto levels function it again chages the exposure?

    shouldn't it have got it right when I did this RAW?


    Any other tips on how I can get the exposue right exposure 'in camera'. It would really be useful if there was som

    guidance around what fstop to use (generally speaking) in differing lighting conditions i.e. similar to the 'sunny 16'





  6. Hi


    I am looking to but calibration hardware/software, however I am unsure how they work and have a concern that it will

    not work with PS Elements 6.1.


    The reason for this is that if I currently create a new profile, i am unable to select it in Elements i.e. I still only have a

    choice of sRGB or Adobe.


    If the tool doesn't actually create a color profile then i assume i will be ok, but I don't know.


    Can anyone clarify?





  7. Having had a DSLR for a while now I am not sure what to look for in this market?


    Basically, I have had an Panasonic Optio for about 5 years and want to upgrade.


    Primary uses are for holiday snaps, people shots etc. A large screen and good zoom is a preference and of course

    picture quality!


    I suppose my budget is anything up to £150 ($300).



  8. Hi


    I have selected a print lab to print up some shots.


    I have chosen 8x10 to print, however should i resize the shots to 10x8 in PS? when i do this it (obviously) changes

    the dimension and the shape of the shot i.e. objects within the shot are fatter/thinner etc dependant on if they are

    portrait or landscape.


    This may all be obvious, but I am not sure of the correct procedure to follow for setting up the print?


    If I do not re-size then the picture will be cropped by the lab I assume?





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