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Image Comments posted by davejames

  1. I wouldn't worry about mass appeal. I get lots of 3s but, I still display what I think is a strong composition. I come from the world of advertising, where too much eye candy makes for clutter and confusion. Although, not an absolute rule, I believe in the theory of less is more. Depends on the situation. A full photo of a car could be just as strong of a shot as your minimalist photo "Reflections on a Car". Sometimes I get a kick out of what can be done with the least amount to visually work with.
  2. I was looking at you portfolio, and this one actually stood out for me. The muted tones of the sky grabbed me, yet in a meloncoly way. Peaceful. The tree enhances it for me. Too much tree and it becomes all about the tree. Too little and it looks like a mistake and becomes bothersome. It makes for a good composition with very little to work with. Well done.


    I added this to my favourites. Love the expression in the eyes and love the colours. The blue eyeshadow with the purple background really works for me.

    white widow

    Fantastic emotion. Heart wrenching. Unfortunately, underexposed for my tastes. Although, better dark than bright considering the mood of the moment.
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