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Image Comments posted by bookbagged

  1. I love it! I have tried hard to get a good shot of a glass furnace like this, but have as yet been unsuccessful. I love the bright orange of the furnace and how dark the rest is. Very nice.
  2. I agree, it does look like the trees are trying to grab the kite; the kite's eyes make it look like it's trying to get away, and since the clouds are darker at the bottom of the picture, it makes the trees look "mean". I like it.
  3. I think that this picture is amazing. The angle captures the height and grandeur of the temple columns. It really shows the power and prestige of this ancient culture and I love it!

    American Goth

    I think that this is a very good photo that has a lot to say. It really goes to show how much life has changed over the years. The "American Gothic" painting showed what one expected to see in life then, and "American Goth" shows what we are really seeing in the world today. I think it's great, very moving.
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