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Image Comments posted by cindyp


    This photo is a little strange to me. I am new to rating photos myself, however, I can't figure out how you have some parts of this picture in focus, yet the out of focus seems to start at a strange point on the remote, as well as the hood on his right cheek, yet his cheep seems to be very in focus. Did you do a special effect? I like the background, and the focus on child's eye.


    Matt- it's actually a photo I took 2 weeks ago. I was experimenting in photoshop and used one of the sketching applications...I was trying to make it look older. :o)
  1. veeeeeery long discription! ;o)

    This is a precious photo. It really show the curiosity of your son! The photo could use a little sharpening, but I really like it!

    Double Digits

    Very original! Great work! Only suggestion is that I notice maybe a small hair under the ring finger of the bottom hand you may want to edit out. Great job!

    ..aLoNe aGaiN..

    Such a sad looking boy. I really like this photo. The only thing that distracts me a bit is the lighting on his arm. Of course that's nothing compared to the moment you captured!



    Thank you for taking the time to give your responses! They are VERY much appreciated!

    It looks like I will need to study up on the sharpening, or practice. It seems that when I try it looks very grainy to me....I must be doing something wrong..



    Thank you for your comments!

    Jo, I'm sorry...I actually did get rid of the spots in the final copy...I just posted the original in error. My bad!

    Thanks again!



    Adorable photo! It appears a little grainy, but I don't know if that is on purpose? I still really like it!

    what is this?

    How adorable! The only suggestion I would have for this photo is that the towel she has looks like it's blown out (because it's white), so it looks like the flash was a little harsh for her. Framing and focus is spot on!
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