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Posts posted by fabiano

  1. <p>Hello,<br>

    I used Vuvox as my primary flash slide show in a project I have:<br>

    <a href="http://www.fabiano-silva.com/girls.html">http://www.fabiano-silva.com/girls.html</a> Contains Partial Nudity!<br>

    Due to slow loading issues I want to change it for HTML, however in my fist attempt I noted images "flick" due to screen renovation and flash slide show not. Yes, I'm using CRT monitor:<br>

    <a href="http://fabiano-silva.com/girls/girls.html">http://fabiano-silva.com/girls/girls.html</a> Contains Partial Nudity!<br>

    Anyone can note this? Is there any easy fix?<br>

    Thank you all!<br>


    <p> </p>

  2. <p>I'm having problems to correct my greens, they are not real, too bright. <br>

    My best attempt was to decrease the luminance data from green channel.<br>

    BTW, I only have compact cameras so RAW is not an option.<br>

    Any opinions?<br>


    <img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/331imvr.jpg" alt="" /><br>


    <img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/i3gvvm.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="450" /></p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Hello people,<br>

    I took <a href="../photo/8720996">this photo </a>framing the foreground statue like it was looking to the other "couple" statues, But the background is very busy and the image don't transmit this feeling.<br>

    I tried to isolate them by constrast, darkning the background and making the statues brighter, but I'm not satisfied withthe results. BTW: dodge and burn with softlight layer filled with grey 50% and black and white brushes.<br>

    The idea just don't work in a so extreme way as I think?</p>

    <p> <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/8720996"></a></p><div>00TNRv-135081584.jpg.712f0906a58a56aecd0aa7c982f45de3.jpg</div>

  4. <p>I understand that when you got a 12 bit RAW file you have 4096 tones between black and white, the first 2048 are in first STOP, 1024 on second and so.<br>

    This is a way to say that each aperture you have less light and less sensibility of sensor, but in the SAME APERTURE the fact that camera record more tones of highlights than shadows is just a matter of sensor behavior associated with some non-linearity?<br>

    Sorry if this was already asked...couldn't find on archives</p>

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