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Posts posted by santalum1

  1. "Clipped highlights, flat midtones and bizarre color reproduction with plastic flesh tones. Welcome to the world of digital photography!"


    I would say "Welcome to the real world!" because camera takes the images of what is there in reality.

    With film photos there are hundreds ways processing can be done. And every company does it its own way - always improving your images (unless you put "dont correct" box - did you ever try it?).


    With digital if you shoot in RAW - your world is in your hands - thanks to Adobe guys.

    Did you ever tried photoshop?

    With sharp image with acceptable hystogram you can produce anything.

  2. Well, I bought on eBay lot of glass. Never failed. Either you read description wrong or Seller didnt describe it properly. If its about Seller - just go to dispute commitee on eBay. Wrong description of goods is the reason to return money.


    Re.: Vivitar, its Konika mount. They have this one at the shop nearby. Didnt like it anyways - looks and acts like a big dust pump for your sensor..

  3. Sure they will produce new lenses. Simply because they are lense producers:)

    Other question the quality of the new lenses. More plastic, more compromises in production process to make it cheaper, moving production out of Japan etc.

    It was a shock to know about the mass problems with new DA*16-50/2.8. Never heard before of Pentax replacing huge party of the glass due to the defects (centering defect in this case) Now its a fact :(

    Therefore, its a good advice to keep your old good K, M, F and FA-s. It becomes rarity... piece of gold in the ocean of cheap chinese/vietnamese plastic

  4. Yep, Nikon did it already - FF sensor has a crop mode.

    OK, only film cameras left as a reason not to buy da21:)

    da40 is also not a film lense by the way. Considerable vignetting.


    Re FF of Pentax I think they will come to FF sooner or later.

    Technology doubles its abilities every half a year. In 2-3 years FF will be same cost as 1.5 crop at the moment. There is no single reason to escape FF sensor.

    I think even with the future crop mode on FF, da21/da40 are worse investments than fa20/fa43. Its a sort of compromise. With fa20/fa43 there is no compromise. It will not depend on anybodys policy. It will fit any camera with any image catcher - film or sensor. And I like this idea by itself. Therefore I keep away from DAs:))

    May be Im just one of "those crazy pentaxians" who talks nonesense:)) Well I dont care..

  5. Justin, January this year one of my friends bought it in New York and brought it to me. Brand new in box. Which shop - no idea. But the fact is that I have it new on Jan 2008.

    He bought it after I read in a few forum threads that its still possible to get it new. May be it was pure luck.


    Qualities of both lenses are pretty the same, you right.

    Minor detail - fa20 i use for my film MX and MZ-30 cameras.

    More to that - within a few years Pentahoya surely will make fullsize sensor. Then in my case DA21 just goes down the drain.

    Admit that it is not for nothing that fa20 is one of the most wanted lenses on ebay and peolpe get for it 10-30% more then they paid for item 5 years ago.

    DA21 is a nice lense for running pentax dslrs, but stating that >>There is no alternative for the 21mm so that is a given - it sounds a little bit too pessimistic.

  6. >>There is no alternative for the 21mm so that is a given


    I dont agree.

    fa20/2.8 is a greater glass. Stopped production in 2004 but still possible to find even new ones.

    Not mentioning that it is FF. DA21 you can not use on film due to known problems.

  7. When RAW+ you can set jpeg to lowest quality. When doing preliminary estimation on average computer it saves more than half a sec. difference. And dont forget that lot of people dont change their PC or Mac every year.

    On my home PC XP I can view files rather quickly in any browser, but on my 3 years old Mac G4 it becomes too irritating to run through newly taken shots in RAW.


    Another reason to have RAW+ is when you shoot some event and want quickly share pics by mail - it takes time to convert it from RAW.

    With low quality jpeg you just send it as it is.

  8. This thread is of a more than year ago.

    20/2.8 is even more hard to find.

    And if you find it at the places like ebay - people pay prices above USD 700 for that plus P&H.

    I just bought one for eur 500.-- and feel very happy about that.

    Great lense!

  9. "Pentax look" is the best looking photo in a bunch of others, Im pretty sure.


    Depends on what you mean saying "Pentax". Usually people say that meaning the glass. That is what gives that special Pentax type 3D, plastics, bokeh etc.

    In details it says it was taken by K10D. Looks like kit was used.

    Then I would call it Sony-look as long as kit-lens is rather ordinary glass and picture was produced mostly by Sony sensor of K10D:)

  10. Great camera!

    Only one real problem I had so far - when looking into viewfinder I often press select AF area ring with my cheek. Then its difficult to press it back with the same cheek.. then I loose time and can miss nice shot.

    Because of that I try to buy old good manual focus Asahi glass:)

  11. I hardly can believe Voigtlander can make premium lenses after I had to buy Voigtlander Ultragon 19-35/3.5-4.5 K-mount by accident.

    After this experience I got a firm believe that V-lander is plastic. Megaplastic. Not in a sence of the picture quality but the substance its made of. When you keep it in hands it feels like cheap chinese toy you can buy 100 pieces per a dime.

    But it turned to be good replacement for a broken kit..

  12. Well it was rather brainbreaking exercise.

    I ve noticed some dust and bigger particles looking into viewfinder.

    Checked mirror and matrix - no dust. Blown with my special filtered photopump - no result.

    When I saw no dust in prints - I thought I went crzy.

    But thanks to photonet - just discovered it was dust between the prizm and screen.

  13. In adverts of this lens they say its good for portraits, landscape and sports

    in particular.

    Anybody used it in outdoor shooting? Im interested in football or soccer at

    both daylight and artificial light at night.

    Is it good enough or do I have to look for another lens with bigger focus?

  14. Good advice about spare batteries.

    At freezing temperatures (-5...-15) capacity drops 20-40% depending on temperature.

    You either keep your camera under the coat or take avay the battery into the inner pocket when not using camera for some time.

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