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Image Comments posted by tomasz_wojciechowski

  1. I am a little bit amazed at the overall enthusiastic feedback to this photo here. the composition rather bad - too much of white/blown sky btw cutting the frame into two leaving a big white boring patch of the sky. the foreground boat in the bottom left corner is distracting and makes the framing look too tight. the horizon slightly tilts to the left. all in all it is a rather poor shot. 2/2 from me. regards,Tomasz

    Flanders Field

    the subject of the shot being not the most original I find the treatmend absolutely superb. bravo... where in flanders did you take it? i live in belgium, might want to steal the background some time ;-)...regards, Tomasz


    Fanastic shot! BW is perfect here, but I find the foreground a bit disturbing - i can't make it out, nor it adds to the aesthetic value of the picture - but I'd still keep though in a different way. cheers.


    Nice shot. On closer inspection it looks a bit like treated with the warp tool in photoshop - the right hand side buildings are slightly tilting and. as well as that, maybe some more contrast in the sky would do? anyway i really like it. regards, tomasz


    It's a bit too small to enjoy the details. I would also probably crop it tighter to eliminate the blown sky which is distracting as well. but the light here has a great potential. If you shot it RAW the image can be recovered ;-). regards
  2. tak sie zastanawiam nad techniczna strona tego zdjecia - czy zastosowales tutaj wyjatkowo dluga ekspozycje i dzieki temu takie fajne niebo, czy to jakis trik z Photoshopa (gaussian blur). zreszta, w wielu zdjeciach masz takie niebo. czyzby po prostu nocna fotografia?


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