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Image Comments posted by josephboone

  1. Harry, thank you so much for the kind words! It was sheer luck that this girl happened to be in the pool when I went to photograph it. Better still, she was standing exactly where I would have placed her if she were a model. I did my best to take advantage of her presence and ended up being very happy with the resulting image.
  2. If ever a shot was the very model of perfect composition, this is it. Yes, the colors are nice, there is a variety of textures, all of it works. But the composition could literally be used in a textbook to analyze all the things that make it work. Very well done!


    I don't give out many 7/7 ratings but i kept asking myself what could be better with this image and couldn't come up with anything. The use of white space, red, and the black is quite striking. The fact that you managed to keep some detail in the largely black building is an achievement itself. Congratulations on an outstanding photo!


    I may be the only one, but I like the Citibank sign at the bottom. It lends a dose of reality to a photo that combines incredible detail with surreal color and texture. Overall, this is a great image.



    I respect that you're trying to do something different and be artistic with your photos. You've posted some great images on this site, and I commend your obvious ability. That said, this one doesn't particularly work for me. The photo looks very good, but the post-processing has buried it under an overpowering halo around the horse. Worse, it continually draws the eye to its rump where the effect is strongest. Maybe you're trying to make a visual pun there, I don't know. Anyway, I'd love to see this same photo with a different approach to the editing. Respectfully,





  3. Mike, many thanks for the kind words. Allow me to clarify my meaning on one point, though. I wanted to take a shot in the classic style, I didn't mean to suggest that my shot would, itself, somehow become a classic.


  4. No that isn't the real Statue of Liberty. I caught this sunset on

    the Las Vegas strip using their faux statue of liberty in partial

    silhouette. Believe it or not, the sky was even more vivid than this

    picture shows... it was literally like it was on fire. All comments


  5. I realize that I haven't revolutionized travel photography with this

    shot of Tower Bridge but I was more interested in a classic shot of

    this lovely landmark than doing something clever. Any and all

    comments will be appreciated.


    This is a very nicely done image. I like the mirror image effect but the colors and graphic design also add a '70s feel that adds something as well. Nicely done!


    Very powerful image. Great detail and the perfect combination of highly saturated colors where you want the attention and a muted everywhere else. Excellent.


    I add my compliments to the long list you've already received. I don't agree with the person who thought this would be more effective in sepia. The color adds a lot to this image and I wouldn't change a thing.
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