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Everything posted by russwm

  1. Thanks orsetto! That was what I thought but it really helps to hear it from someone who actually knows. Although I wasn't even looking for a C220, over the past year I ended up with 3 from small camera collections I bought. The one with the missing baffle has the best exterior, so I was planning to use it. Another has a cracked focusing screen, so I was planning to keep it for parts. Instead I'll switch the focusing screens and use the "pretty" one as the parts camera. The 3rd shows it's age a little but works perfectly. Maybe the photography gods are trying to nudge me towards medium format photography. ;-)
  2. Follow up post. Replacing the baffle might not be quite as easy as I thought. The bar the baffle screws onto is rotated about 90 degrees too far. In the photo, the side facing down should be facing the back, or towards the camera. I guess I would have to at least partially disassemble the camera to rotate the bar. So, back to my original question.
  3. After only using 35mm film and digital cameras since the 70s, I'm in the beginning stages of learning medium format photography. I just sent off my first roll taken with a Yashica Mat 124g, and next I'm planning to use a Mamiya C220. I've been trying to learn about the C220 before loading my first roll of film, and just noticed something. The camera is missing the baffle that is supposed to flip up when you lock the camera for lens removal. The lock switch turns, the lens locks and unlocks, and the small bar the baffle is supposed to be attached to turns. But the baffle is missing. I don't see any signs of damage, so I assume a previous owner removed it for some reason. I know that the purpose of the baffle is to block light from the film when changing lenses. Does it serve any other purpose. As long as I don't change lenses while film is in the camera, will the absence of the baffle cause any problems? On first glance, it looks like the baffle is attached to the small bar with even smaller screws, so I might be able to take one off a damaged C220. Thanks! And yes, I do realize this isn't necessarily "baffling", but I couldn't resist the temptation of the bad pun.
  4. Please delete or let me know if this is not allowed. A friend has a Ross London Xtralux 50mm f2 lens listed on eBay. Ross London 5cm XTRALUX f/2 | eBay
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