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Everything posted by bunbury

  1. <p>The pola back is simply attached with the screws holding the standard back; the standard back is swapped out for the pola back. Just peel up the leather, unscrew the standard back and attach the pola back, voila! I use a dedicated body.<br> Fuji FP100c fits the pola back and is sold at B&H for about $9US per pack and is likely not too difficult to find around the planet.<br> Fuji FP3000b high speed B&W also fits but has been discontinued and has limited availability of outdated packs at premium prices.<br> I hope this helps, please feel encouraged to ask me anything else and I will help if I can, or help you find a source for the info you seek.</p>
  2. <p>Hi Alex.<br> The model and the background are each lit independently of the other. The background must have NO contamination from sources meant to light the model or other components of the photo, just as the model must not be contaminated by light meant for the background.<br> Each component of the photograph must be lit independently and must not contaminate the others. If light meant for the model contaminates the background the black will NOT be black and colors will be washed out.<br> Please let me know if this does not answer your question.</p>
  3. <p>1) Craft: Learn everything you possibly can about light including how it works and why; then learn about optics and cameras.<br /> 2) Learn to love people and show it, no matter what. Literally "Be Happy" and let others feel it; it's usually contagious and when it's not do not catch the mal-titude.<br /> 3) If you need to use money then learn how it works, just like your camera and the light you use; take business and investment courses.<br /> 4) At some point you will either find your success is based on your own creativity or derivative work; relax, embrace the truth and run with it. Eventually you may have kids to put through college or a wife or husband who wants regular vacations, and you can always adopt a hobby.</p>
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