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Posts posted by alisa_stieg

  1. Todd, you are cruel! I liked that palm tree picture too until you mentioned the shrimp tacos! Now everytime I look at it I'm hungry! NO FAIR!


    Actually, it reminds me of Javier's pictures...his are always so tropical looking and full of vibrant color! Good job!


    And John, I love the Bald Eagle shot! I hope to get some of my own this fall! We have nesting grounds very near our home! Abe, I love your PP effects! Too bad there's no raven or bat flying around in the background! LOL! Patrick, love your daisy and bee, and Robin, your reeds shot is fabulous!

  2. Adam, the picture alone was a total crack up, but the story was really the icing on the cake! That is absolutely hilarious! Thanks for sharing the pic and the story!


    I guess I'm kind of sad about this post. I agree that sometimes the POW is really cumbersome. But I really look forward to Sundays and the POW. I really enjoy looking at everyone's photos, and sometimes there are so many there it's hard to comment on the all (the scrolling back and forth to try to catch everyone's pics is a bit of a pain), but I do like to offer/receive encouragement. I can honestly say that I've grown in my photography skills largely because of this particularly thread. Seeing what others do and hearing what others think about what I do helps me think in different ways. I don't mind the idea of a POD thread, but I don't necessarily want to lose the POW thread. Anyone can start their own post any day they want to if they don't like the POW, so I'm not really sure why there's a problem?


    Just my .02.

  3. Dave, you are a brave soul to take your new toy near the water! And what a fun shot of Clara casting! So glad you

    had a fun day of it!


    You guys are making it very hard to choose a favorite! Right now, I'd have to say it's tied between Doug's birdhouse

    and Trent's Fern Crescent! Markus, your Wilma cracks me up! Guy, your daisy picture should be on a calendar

    somewhere! Hin, I like your first shot best! Really captures a sweet moment between parent and child! Robert, love

    that barn!


    This week I'm working on Sr. portraits. I did my daughter's on Wednesday and will do another young man's

    tomorrow, so I'm trying to get in that mode. Here's one of my favorites.


    <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/skweekysoo/KaitiSSrPix/photo#5230400501244080802"><img


    20Sepia%20copy.jpg" /></a> <br>


    I can't decide whether I like the color, b/w, or sepia version best. This one's the sepia.

  4. I know what you mean...it's almost like they torment you on purpose! LOL! Unless your name is Mis, then they sit up on a wire and perform cute tricks...SHEESH!


    Keep at it, Dave! I was at it again this morning, but called it quits when it got too hot! And honestly speaking, I really needed to get my chores done! DANG IT!



  5. Do you NEED these pictures for your portfolio? If so, then it's entirely up to you whether or not to shoot the wedding. Don't feel badly about walking away from this situation. It's the bride's responsibility to get you the information you need (which she failed to do), sign the contract (which she failed to do), and arrange the details of her own freaking wedding (which she is clearly not doing well). None of this is your fault.


    I would also add that the $50.00 is better than nothing, but will barely cover your gas getting back and forth (depending upon the mileage you get). In the future, you might want to consider at least having your expenses covered when you do a "nice" for someone. That's more than reasonable, IMO.


    I'll be interested to hear how this situation plays out...



  6. "Most of my pics are primarily intended to be viewed by a particular person, with the intention of simply showing her things that my camera has recorded, and that I've subsequently processed. The intention is not always to please, as such... My philosophy is merely to give her something to look at and some space for her to think... She does the thinking, and I think about her thoughts, both before and after I press the shutter.


    Sometimes I try to make the space for some of her thoughts a visual one, within the image. Sometimes I hope it exists between and around the images too. What she thinks about the pics is far more interesting to me than the images themselves. If some reasonably good photos (to her mind, mine, or anyone else's...) come out of this process, it's just a little bonus really. Her thoughts are more interesting and important to me than the photos themselves, so I just keep snapping stuff to show her."


    I hope you let your wife read these words...they are truly some of the most romantic words I've ever heard. You know, it's funny, I've been married to the same wonderful man for 24 years and being married for that long with 3 children and all their needs in the works, sometimes the conversation is a little dry, until he says something like this (which he does) and melts my heart all over again. If my husband had written something like this, I would like to read it, so I hope you let her do so. What a wonderful sentiment.


    Sorry, I just had to say so, even though my comment has little to do with photography. And I truly hope that you find whatever it is you're searching for. It makes me sad to think that someone with such heart is feeling out of sorts...



  7. Forgot to post this...I checked and it doesn't look like Picassa is available for Mac yet. I will tell you though, I really

    love the following features better in Picassa than CS3;


    Soft Focus,




    It will also handle RAW format, so that's convenient.



  8. Nick, thanks for your input regarding my photo! Sorry if I got your info confused with someone else's info. Between filters, extension tubes, and filters, I find myself continuing to explore my options for getting better macro shots.


    Speaking of which, Andrew's thistle is pretty cool! I love the geometry of the angle of your shot! Color is great too!


    Maria, what hospital will you be at? If you need anything at all, please give me a holler. I think you still have my phone #. I changed phones and I don't have yours anymore, so give me a jingle if you feel like a visit or need anything at all. Regarding the shirt in the photo, the subject saw something similar in another picture and wanted the shirt that way, and since I wanted her to be happy, I let her handle that part of it. Actually, the wrinkles on the other shirt bothered me way more than the tank top...LOL!

  9. Incidently, I think perhaps Justin is out of town or he would be responding to the thread and be a good resource for this kind of question. I think he mentioned something about being out of town for a few days from a previous post...


    Honestly, I don't think you have to be strictly loyal to one brand. I love my Pentax and stay with the brand because I like maintaining a single system. If I had a bigger bank account, I might consider adding another system as well provided it offered me something my Pentax didn't offer, but I don't think that will ever be the case with me. If I needed something my Pentax didn't provide, of course I would look at other brands. That's just being practical! But it doesn't mean that I would get rid of my Pentax system...it does a great job!

  10. Thanks everyone for responding. I knew there had to be a problem with my understanding of the light meter being that I'd never used one before. I still haven't decided if I'll get one yet, but do feel it would give me more control over the situation without all the guess work.
  11. Wow...I don't know if it's the lighting or the teleconverter, but you were able to capture a lot more detail in that last shot compared to the pictures in your previous post with your Tamron TC, at least judging from the flowers. I have a feeling this is next on my list...


    Thanks Hin! Beautiful job!


  12. Alas, I too am awaiting my Man-in-Brown...*sigh*...waiting is not one of my strong suits.


    Holy Cow, they are all amazing, and I adore the sunrise pictures, but that very last picture of Caney is absolutely perfect! I LOVE IT! He is just too precious! I don't know how you do it, but you manage to get the best captures of your pet! Gosh but he's beautiful! Thanks for posting these!



    (whose MIB JUST ARRIVED! WooHoo!)

  13. I am considering buying a light meter for my studio work. Up to this point, I experiment with my light/camera based

    on what I see on the LCD and then fix in Photoshop when necessary. This takes a LOT of time to fix my errors and

    I'm interested in taking pictures, not fixing in Photoshop!


    I've watched a great tutorial on using a light meter (Sekonic L-358) but have a question; Once you meter your light

    setup, the meter tells you what aperture to set your camera at based on its readings (after you've put in ISO, etc.)

    What if you want to use a certain aperture for DOF effects? I don't want the light meter to dictate the aperture if I

    need to use the aperture to achieve the effects I want.


    Since I've never used a light meter before, I'd like your input. I'd also love to know if there are studio portrait

    photographers who forego the use of the meter and if so, why/how.

  14. Hey, I really enjoyed that series of shots...and yes, like Dave, that wet wagon was my favorite! Looks like you've

    made the transition to digital well! You'll find that Photoshop does a good job with the sharpening, but if you still

    need more of a lens, I'm sure there are some that are out there. Lots of "lens junkies" out there! (We are all battling

    LBA!), and I'd be willing to bet there's someone out there who can can answer your question!


    I look forward to you next set! And don't forget the POW (photo of the week) thread on Sundays!



  15. Cheap-o or not, that is an amazing shot! I would be VERY happy with your results! Hin, don't you think it's much more of an achievement to get a shot this good using "cheap-o" equipment rather than top-of-the-line? This really shows your skill as a photographer! BE PROUD!
  16. Well, if you printed the photos and took them in, that would be evidence enough. You could also put them on a disk so they have the EXIF data to show them the circumstances. Good observation of the pattern. How's your battery?



  17. I really like the DOF effect in #2...there's just this little oval which really makes that toad stand out, even if it's not perfectly focused. I think it's more pronounced because you went from portrait to landscape.


    Matt, let's put it this way; my box is in Kansas right now, and it's killing me! I'm not particularly known for my patience in this regard.

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